Chapter five-announcement

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After telling my members they felt bad for me but couldn't really do anything I was helpless in this and So we're they

I received a copy of what to say and apparently we met two years ago at a mutual friends birthday dinner

I couldn't believe this was happening
After memories all the information I go to sleep wandering what tomorrow will be like and if I'm ready for what's to come next

Jungkook POV

After arriving at the company I told my members what was happening

Rm felt sorry for me, he told me to hang in there and he was sorry for not being able to help

The rest of the members tried to lift my mood by joking how lucky I am to be dating blackpink lisa and Tae being a fanboy was extremely jealous I got to date a blackpink member

Honestly after talking to them I felt a lot better. I received an email with the information about my relationship with Lisa
I guess I was dating her for one and a half years

Ummm after reading the information and memorizing it I headed to bed...I wander what will happen in the future with that though I fell asleep

The next morning

Waking up I was nervous about today's events as I got dressed in the outfit my stylist pick I was supposed to match Lisa today to make it look real after one last look in the mirror I take a deep breath and left for the conference venue

Lisa's POV

After going over the information one last time I took a deep calming breath before leaving to the conference venue

As I arrive at the venue I see a lot of fans and reporters they are waiting to see what happens today

As I step out I notice that jungkook had arrived and I was told to go in with him at the same time

I looked over at jungkook we were wearing a matching couples set

Jungkook looked at me an gave me a reassuring smile. I returned the smile and we proceeded inside...Well here goes nothing I guess

As we took a seat the conference began
We greeted the public

Jungkook POV

After the greeting I was the one who was suppose to begin the discussion

"Firstly I would like to thank you all for coming here and giving us a chance to explain the current situation,I'm well aware of the fact that there have been rumors about our relationship"

Lisa continued"We think it's time we put the rumors to rest" she looked over at me to signal me to take over

"So the truth is that we have been dating for about one and half years,We will be taking questions now"

"How did you'll meet "

"We met at a mutual friends birthday dinner and as you all know Lisa is not allowed to drink and I was driving so I didn't drink while the party escalated we found ourselves talking and the rest is history"

"Why have you not told the public about your relationship"

Lisa responded"As everyone is aware my company is strict when it comes to dating and I didn't want both our careers to be affected"

"Why have you decided to come out now"

"Our companies found out and after discussion they decided it would be best for us to confirm our relationship"

"Jungkook how do you feel now that your relationship is public"

"I feel great because although it was the best to hide our relationship I am extremely happy that I am able to be honest with my fans"

"What about you Lisa how are you feeling"

"To be honest I feel relieved,I didn't enjoy lying to my fans and I just hope they will support our relationship"

Lisa stood up and So did I we both done a deep bow

We said in sync "We are really sorry to all our fans and supporters for lying to you all we hope you can understand our situation and forgive us"

That marked the end of the conference although we came here separately after announcing our relationship we were to leave together

The plan was to leave together and next week our companies decided to start a program filming our daily life as a couple

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