Chapter ten-sleepover

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Jungkook POV

Lisa looked absolutely stunning I mean it's weird but my t-shirt on her looked so good

I noticed Lisa blushing,she is so cute

"The t-shirt looks better on you" I chuckled

She blushed even more and said
"Well thanks I guess"

I smiled,than a yawn escaped my mouth she laughed and said
"I think it's time for bed...Ohh I need to call my members to let them know I'm staying here before they freak out and kill me tomorrow"

"Yeah sure"

Lisa POV

I video called my Jisoo Unnie
"Hey unnie I'm sorr..."

But before I could continue Jisoo screamed

"Unnie let me explain first"

Jisoo narrowed her eyes and crossed her arms waiting for my explanation

"Well you see after we filmed for knowing brothers Jungkook invited me to have dinner and since I was tired we ended up going to his dorm to eat,than I ate dinner with him and his hyungs than we stared talking and you know when I start talking I can't stop so it got really late. I was about to leave when Namjoon oppa told me that it won't look go if I leave at this time you know in case dispatch or something sees me and makes a story"

Jisoo"okay fine I won't kill you but since you can't leave what are you gonna do"

"Ummh I'm gonna spend the night here"

Rosé entered Jisoo unnie room"where is Lisa"

Jisoo"she is at bts dorms and going to stay the night"

Rosè widened here eyes"WHAT no Lisa you can't I'm going to come and get you now"

Jisoo"I was thinking of doing the same thing but I realise it would just cause problems so let's just go get her in the morning okay"

I sighed"Thank you unnie for understanding"

Jisoo"I may understand but when you get back here you gonna be in big trouble"

I gulped Jisoo unnie can be really scary sometimes

I smiled"okay than I'm going to go sleep but wait where is jennie unnie?"

Jisoo"After her schedule she came home tired so she is sleeping now"

"Okay than Goodnight"

Jisoo and Rosé"Goodnight lisa see you in the morning"

Jisoo"Yah Lisa don't do anything stupid"

"Arraso unnie"

And with that I ended the call

Jungkook POV

Lisa was talking to her members and I heard one of them screaming at her I felt bad because I knew it was my fault so when she finish talking to her members I went up to her

"Lisa I'm really sorry"

She looked at me with a confused look on her face

"Sorry for what?"

"I'm sorry for getting you in trouble with your members I mean if I didn't bring you here you you won't be in trouble so I'm sorry"

"You don't have to apologize it's okay my members will understand they just worried about me so that's why they scolded me"

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