chapter three-dispatch

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Lisa POV

After jungkook left my manager drove me to my apartment. To be honest I was still in shock from what happened I couldn't think straight but I definitely knew it was not good. I wanted to text my members about what happened but my phone was dead and I was to exhausted from today's events.

I didn't want to leave them in the dark so I face timed chaeyoung,Jennie and told them what happened.Jennie was screaming and told me she was going to kill me but after I explained the situation she was relived I was okay same goes for chaeyoung.

I was going to tell Jisoo but she was busy filming and I knew she would be exhausted from that so I thought I'd call her tomorrow cause I really didn't want to worry her

Jisoo was the least of my worries the only thing that terrifies me is Yg I have no idea what will happen

There is no way after what happened it won't be on news I have a lot of explaining to do but that's tomorrow's problem right now I need sleep and with that I let sleep take over not before wondering if Jungkook was okay after today,what a weird thought, huh?

The next morning

I woke up to the buzzing of my phone I looked at it and saw countless news updates

As I opened the news to read I saw a picture of jungkook holding me and it was titled

BTS jungkook and BLACKPINK Lisa dating
Jungkook protects his women at the airport yesterday~Dispatch

"Damn dispatch" I say, I was about to continue reading when I got a call from Jisoo

I sigh knowing I was going to get shouted at as I answered the call

"Hey chu"

"Dont Hey chu me how could you do this and why am I only hearing about this now,are you dating Jungkookk you know we can't date YG is going to do the same thing to you as he did with Jennie and Kai make the two of you break up.Honestly how could you be so stupid I really can't believe you would do something like this. Do you have anything to say or are you not speaking"

"Well I would but you wouldn't let me get a word in"I chuckled at how Jisoo always acts like a mum to Me and I love her for that

" Well than explain"I could hear her annoyance and worry in her voice

"First I'm not dating jungkook it's a misunderstanding I was attacked by a hater and he saved me other than that I have no relationship with him Okay it was dispatch making up things you know this is not the first time"

I heard Jisoo sigh in relief"Thank God I was so worried about you after I read about the attack. I'm still mad how could you not call me and tell me"

"You see I got back late and my phone died but I did face time the girls with my laptop. I knew you were busy filming and it was late so I just went to sleep sorry chu didn't want to make you worry"

"Its okay but YG wants to see you and he doesn't sound happy you better get here now"

After the call with Jisoo I took a quick shower before dressing up and called my manager to pick me up

It was a nerve wrecking drive to the Yg building a million thoughts filled my head like I hope yg believes me ,what is he gonna do,what are my fans thinking of me and oddly enough I was worried about jungkook again first when I was about to sleep and now

I was just thinking of him and than it occurred to me I never thanked him for saving me.The car came to a stop in front of the yg building out the window I could see a crowd of fans and reporters

I read some of the boards my fans were holding and it really made me smile thinking how lucky I am to have supportive fans
The boards read:

No matter what we Will support you Lisa
We love you and respect your choices
We are with you to the end
Lizkook is really Yayyy.

But some were not so nice like:

You can't have jungkook his ours
You don't deserve him
What does he see in you

But it didn't really bother me because I knew we were not dating

Seeing my amazing fans calms me down a little bit knowing that they are there for me makes me happy. I mustered up my courage and knocked on my bosses door I hear his voice say "come in" as I entered I bowed and noticed. Big hits CEO along with Jungkook there, my eyes widened slightly

Now I was beginning to worry

Yg motioned me to sit next to Jungkook and told me that he would be having a meeting to discuss the current events with Big hits CEO

He told jungkook and me to wait outside while they have a meeting

We immediately stood up and bowed before leaving. Great I wonder what is going to happen

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