Chapter sixteen-Where are you?

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Lisa POV

After spending time with Jungkook and clearing our misunderstandings I was finally happy

Jungkook refused to leave me so he fell asleep on the couch in my room. I really wanted to leave the hospital but I still have to wait at least a week I stared into space thinking about how much my life changed when I encountered jungkook at the airport

If it wasn't for that I would not have got a chance to meet the love of my life I mean what the hater did is unforgivable but because of that person I'm here with the most amazing man

I was so deep in thought I didn't realise my room door opened and the next thing I know was a clot was put over my mouth and since I was still injured there wasn't anything I could do I was helpless I tried screaming for Jungkook but it was of no use

I started to lose my vision not before seeing his could he

No one's POV

Lisa than blacked out the mysterious man swiftly picked her body up and made his way out of the hospital room making sure not to make a noise that would wake Jungkook and unfortunately he was successful

Jungkook who was peacefully asleep after being up for a while waiting for the love of his life to open her eyes. He was oblivious to what was going on

The next morning when Jungkook awoke

Jungkook POV

I fell asleep not worried because finally Lisa was up and was doing fine

When I woke up I was extremely excited to spend time with lisa and be with her until she gets discharged

I wiped my eyes and looked over to Lisa's bed to find no one there I didn't panic maybe the nurse was helping Lisa to the bathroom or they are running some test or something

I made my way outside to find a nurse

"Excuse me I'm looking for Lalisa Manoban have you seen her?"

"Is she not in her room sir because she hasn't left"

"That's impossible she is not in her room"

"I don't know where she is than"

"Get me security now!!!"

I really started to panic I couldn't find her anywhere I tried but fail

After I got security we searched the whole hospital but there was no sign of her. We viewed the cctv footage of yesterday and I couldn't believe my eyes

"He kidnapped her while I was in the's all my fault I didn't save her"

I ran my fingers through my hair it's all my fault she is gone and its my fault I couldn't handle it anymore I broke down crying in the security room

Where are you?

Lisa POV

I opened my eyes and I had a massive headache. As I began to look around I realized it wasn't my room I was confused where am I?

That's when it all hit me the accident,hospital and than he!

He kidnapped me why would he do this?How could he. I tried getting up but just than I realized I was tied down I struggled against the restraints but it was of no use that's when he entered

"Don't bother struggling sweetheart it's of no use"

"How could you?"

"It's because I love you that's why"

"Love me? What's love got to do with kidnapping me? Besides I don't love you I love Jungkook"

"Well he doesn't deserve you because only I love you and only I will make you happy!"

"Kun have you lost it? Look if you let me go now we can both move on and I won't call the police for old times sake"

"I don't think you are in any position to negotiate with me but I will tell you something YOU WILL MARRY ME!!!"

"I will not and you can't force me to do anything"

"Funny you say that I knew you would so I prepared a little surprise...I know you love surprises"

I turned my head in the direction he was pointing and on a big tv I saw jungkook and my unnies with bts all looking worried they must have noticed I was gone

"You see Lisa it would be a shame if something had to happen to all of them you know your family and the love of your life"

Why was he doing this I was in tears but I tried to stay strong I would not give him the enjoyment of seeing me so weak instead I took a deep breath and spoke

"What do you want?"

"That's simple I will let you go but all you have to do is get on a plane with me to America once we are there we will marry than I promise not to hurt them"

"WHAT no I can't..."

"If you insist than I guess I can't be held responsible for what happens next"

I turned my attention to the tv and I saw a gun pointing straight at jungkook

"I guess the lover boy will be first to go huh? Works for me I never liked him"

I couldn't let them get hurt because of me no matter how much I hate kun but I don't care what happens to me along as the people I love are safe

"No stop I'll do it"

"That's a good girl now"

I looked at the tv and saw the person pointing the gun lowering it

Kun handed me a set of clothes and told me to change I had no other option but to listen to him

On the way to the airport I couldn't help but think of a way to escape without anyone I love getting hurt and that's when it hit me

We arrived at the airport I was barely able to walk but I was forced to kun had already booked the flight we were sitting and waiting only 30 minutes before boarding the flight it's now or never

"Kun I really need to go to the bathroom"

"I'm not stupid I know you will try to run"

"How could I in this condition and besides you still threatening all my loved ones so does it make sense for me to run away?"

"Huh I guess you right come I'll take you"

"You can't enter the ladies room"

"I meant I'll walk you and wait outside so you don't try anything funny"

I rolled my eyes"Fine if you must"

We walked to the bathroom and I prayed this would work

I entered the bathroom and as promise kun was waiting right outside I quickly set out and thankfully I saw someone in there with me who was about to leave when I stopped her

"Get your hands off me...omo You Lisa from blackpink right? I heard you were in a car accident why are you here?"

"Listen I really need your help it's hard to explain but can you lend me your phone"

"Anything for you unnie I'm a huge fan"

She lent me her phone and the first person i phoned was Jungkook I just prayed he answered but...

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