Chapter six-Show

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Lisa POV

Today was the day we were going to appear on knowing brothers to show our relationship to the world.It wasn't hard to get on shows because after our announcement jungkook and I had been getting so much attention and So many shows wanted to cast us

Our companies asked us to choose which one we want to go on first and since we both liked knowing brothers we chose that

*Deep breath*"Well Its time to act"

I looked in the mirror one last time before my manager came to pick me up

Jungkook POV

*Sign*"today is the day...time for my act to begin"

To be honest I don't really know Lisa as a person so to act close is a bit awkward and I know she feels the same way but we both stuck in this together so after the show I requested to have alone time with her to get to know her

~At the set of knowing brothers~

We just arrived in set and we were in hair and makeup...We had to share the room you know since we are a couple

I looked over to Lisa and truth be told she looked breathtaking but I noticed she was nervous

"Hey Lisa don't be nervous Okay"I said trying to calm her down

"I know but it's hard not to be this is my first time without my members and I don't want to make a mistake"

She looked down and for some odd reason I wanted to comfort her

I was done with my makeup so I made my way to her...

I put my hand on her back and stroked it in a calming manner

"Its going to be fine and you going to do great. Don't worry if you need anything or are scared just tell me Okay"

After that she looked up and gave me a smile I would be lying if I said my heart didn't flutter

"Thank you jungkook"

Suddenly we heard someone clear their throat

"Wow I see the romance has started before the show" He chuckled

We didn't know how to respond so we just greeted him

"When I heard you were dating I didn't believe it I though you were faking it because I've never seen you talk but from what I just saw I guess I was wrong The way you look at each other it can't hide your feelings for each other"

Heechul than turned around and left

His statement confused me I mean we don't even know each other how did we look at each other?

Lisa seems nice and I would like to get to know her

Lisa POV

After jungkook comforted me I really felt okay...I don't know why but his one action made my heart flutter

What Heechul said really got me thinking...

Time for the show I took a deep breath.
It's time. I smiled and tried to remember what my manager told me about how I should act and what I should say

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