Chapter thirteenth-Her past

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Lisa POV

It's been three weeks since Jungkook confessed and we started to date for real

We collaborated for a song called Lovers
It was a big hit and we have been topping charts soon we are going to have a fan meet just the two of us I'm really excited

*Just Than Lisa's phone rings*

<Unknown Caller>

"Who could this be?"



I froze when I heard his voice how did he get my number after all these years...

"W-w-what do you want"

"Can we talk I really need to see you"

"Don't call me again we have nothing to talk about"

With than I hung up and than I burst into tears and fell to the floor why does he have to show up now I am finally happy why is this happening

Rose entered my room

"Hey Lisa I wanted to borrow...Lisa What happened why are you crying?"

She came up to me and hugged me

"Char it was him...he called me now"

"Lisa do you mean...what The hell does that bastard want now"

I sobbed "He said he wants to talk to me"

"If I see that lousy excuse of a man anywhere near you I'll kill him"

Rosé always had a way of making me smile
I wiped my tears and gave my best friend a hug

"Thanks Chae"

"Anytime Lisa you know I'm always hear if you need me"

"I know that's why I love you"

"Okay know let's go eat I'm hungry"

"You always hungry"

"Yah I'm a growing women I need food okay"

I rolled my eyes"Chae you are 23"

"So I read somewhere you never stop growing"

I laughed and put my hand up to surrender
"Okay okay you win let's go eat,it's my treat"

"Okay let's go get spicy tteobokke "

With that we went to eat but my mind was still on 'him' what did he want and why was he contacting me now of all time

~2 days later~

Its been 2 days since he called and I'm happy I haven't heard from him

Today was actually the fan meeting with Jungkook and I'm really excited
it's feels good to know we get to meet our fans

I was just about to leave when I was getting a call I didn't look at the caller ID because I thought it was Jungkook but when I heard his voice again I cursed for not looking at the caller ID before answering

"Lisa please let's meet so we can talk"


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