Chapter twelve-Fake to real

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Jungkook POV

As we walked into the restaurant I saw the look of amazement on Lisa face

"Wow this is such a beautiful restaurant"

"Yes one time Taehyung brought me here and I fell in love with the food here"

"So the foods that good huh?"

"I'll let you decide ,come let's go order"

We made our way inside to our table
We ordered

"Lisa I always wanted to know why did you enter this industry?"

"I was passionate about dance  from a young age and when I saw k pop for the first time I fell in love and decided I wanted to be just like them"

"Wow so our stories are similar"

"What is your story"

"Like you love at first sight"

"So with this career have you been able to date?"

"Yes but it was more of casual dating nothing serious because every time I wanted something serious they ended up leaving because I didn't have time for them
You know how little time we have with all the schedules. Individual schedules as well as group schedules so it was hard to find time
And you Lisa?"

"Honestly I had no relationships when I debuted our company is to strict and I didn't want to get in trouble so I decided I won't date"

"That's interesting but before debut any relationships"

"Yeah one but I don't really want to talk about that. That story doesn't have a happy ending"

Her past relationship seem to cause her pain which was evident on her face so I didn't want to continue with the topic so I left it And with that we were done with our food

"Shall we order dessert?"

"Ohh Yayyy I love dessert"

"Okay follow me than we will have dessert in a very special place"

"A special place and why is that"

"Because I planned a surprise for you"

"A surprise for me but why?"

"You'll find out soon"

She pouted "Tell me"

She looked so cute and I kinda wanted to kiss her "it wouldn't be a surprise than"

She pouted. I rolled my eyes why does she have to be do adorable I grabbed her hand
"Come on just follow me"

I lead her outside where I plan to tell her my feelings, it was a moon lit night and I had them set lights and candles to make the mood more romantic

We sat on a chair swing I looked at Lisa and took a deep breath

"Lisa I need to tell you something"


"Its just... fake dating you I started to get to know you and as I got to know you I found out what a great person you were
You are kind,caring and considerate."

I held her hand and looked in to her eyes

"I like you"

She was shocked and I was nervously waiting for her reply and million thoughts going through my head

"Kookie I like you too"

I say I was happy was an understatement

Lisa POV

What am I hearing did Jungkook just say he likes me? Someone pinch me so I know this isn't a dream. I looked at jungkook who was visibly nervous and awaiting my answer

"Kookie I like you too"

After I said that he had that handsome yet cute bunny smile on his face and before I knew it he pulled me in and kissed me

The kiss was full of passion and longing almost like he wanted more, he pulled away so we could caught our breath

Jungkook and I sat on the swing chair looking at the stars my head rested upon his shoulder and his fingers intertwined with mine it all felt to good to be true

"I'm really happy you feel the same way"

I smiled"I'm really happy you confessed"

"So what are we?"

"What do you mean"

"Are we dating for real now?"

"Of course we are"

From Fake to Real

Hello my butterflies
Sorry for the short chapter I promise to make the next chapter longer

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