Chapter nineteen-Surprise

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As I entered our dorms it was dark I leaned over to get the lights and the next thing


All my members and Bts was there I didn't know what was going on

Jisoo"Aww our Lisa is back Woohoo!"

Jisoo had streams in her hands and was dancing around with in I laughed only Jisoo unnie would be this crazy

She came up to me and gave me a big hug whispering in my ears

Jisoo"I'm so happy you are okay I was so worried when it happened I though we lost you don't you ever do that again"

She hugged me tighter and I heard her sob for all the years I've known Jisoo she is the strongest person it wasn't easy to make her cry so I hugged her

"I'm sorry chu I didn't mean to worry"

Jisoo"hold on to Jungkook he is a good man not like that psychopath"

I laughed that's when she let go next to come to me was Jennie

Jennie may seem like a Badass but she is the most soft,kind and emotional person you'll ever meet she had tears in her eyes as approached me

Jen"lisa thank God you okay I missed you and I didn't know what to do when I saw you in that state i-i-I couldn't stand the sight don't make me scared like that promise"

I hugged her Jennie and I were very close she was like all my members were my sister's we looked out for each other and I love them more than anything

"Jennie I'm sorry I scared you it won't happen again"

She let go but still had tears in her eyes as she ran to Jisoo for comfort next to come was rosé or chaeyoung she was my best friend

She hugged me in an instant and told me

Chae"Oh god you weirdo I nearly have a heart attack when I saw you in that state I was so scared at the same time I wanted to punch that sick bastard in the face for what he done"

She broke the hug and playfully slapped my arm

Chae"How could you leave me alone with these two I had to be brave a look after them"

I laughed and pulled chaeyoung back into a hug you see Chae and I fight the most but that's how we show we care it's like sister if you'll don't fight are you'll really family? No right

Same goes for me and Chae we love each other and care for each other a lot I know when I'm not around she misses me the most

"Sorry weirdo I won't do it again"

She let go

Chae"you better"

With that I turned to all of the people who was still gathered standing awkwardly

"I forgot to ask what all of this is"

Jisoo"And I forgot to tell you that this is your welcome back kind of party"

I smiled I'm happy I was surrounded by people that love and care for me

"Thank you all for this you'll really boosted my mood"

Jisoo"Let the party begin because we all don't have schedules tomorrow"

"Seriously" I looked over at tea

"What about you'll it as oppa don't you'll have schedules tomorrow?"

Tae"No we don't we informed our company we needed a small break so they gave us two days rest than its back to normal"

I nodded ohhh but that when I realised I saw Tae leave with Jungkook

"Wait...Tae oppa didn't you and Namjoon oppa leave with Jungkook how are you'll here and where's jungkook?"

Tae"umm you see a magician never reveals his secrets"

"Well than you not a magician so spill"

Tae"I am a magician you just don't know it and I can't tell you where Jungkook is"

"Oppa why is that?"

Tae" lips are sealed"

He gesture to his lips zipping it than locking it and throwing away the key

I narrowed my eyes at him

Jennie"Lisa just stop let's get you something to eat than you can interrogate him all you want"

As if on cue my stomach made a big noise

I giggled

"Unnie I guess my stomach agrees with you"

We made our way to the table and we began to eat the conversation flowed very well it seemed that we all got along pretty well

But my minded refused to pay attention to the conversation as it was constantly focusing on Jungkook

Where was he and what was he doing
Than Jennie spoke

Jennie"Hey Lalisa what do you think"

"Huh what sorry I wasn't paying attention"

Jennie looked at bit irritated but slowly realised what or rather who I was thinking about

Jennie"We wanted to know how cool it would be if both our groups collaborated"

"It would be awesome since they call us the kpop queens and bts the kpop kings so it would be dope to collaborate"

Jisoo"That's true it could be the biggest collaboration in the kpop industry"

J-hope"Yeah maybe we should talk to our boss maybe we can make it happen"

Chae"It doesn't hurt to ask"

Namjoon"True in our next meeting I'll put in the suggestion"

Tae"That's cool with us"

Jisoo"We will do the same thing"

Talking about a collaboration seemed to keep my mind occupied I notice Tae got a tested and he seemed secretive he looked over at Jisoo than cleared his throat her eyes widened...Huh weird

All of a sodden
Jisoo"Hey I think we should move this outside next to the pool we an have drinks and continue our conversation"

Tae"Jisoo that's a great idea how about we clean up here and you'll arrange the snacks and drinks than when we done we can meet outside"

Jisoo"Great than its settled let's go"

That was weird but before I could question anything Chae grabbed me and pulled me to the kitchen

Jennie"Hey Lisa you should go and see if we have enough chairs outside I'll get the snacks"

"Unnie we do ha e enough chairs"

Jennie"Well while you were in hospital they were replacing some of the old furniture so I'm not sure how many chairs we have outside so hurry up and go check"

That's odd but okay I'll go

"If you insist unnie I'll go"

Jennie"Thanks Lisa"

I made my way to the entrance to the pool and I looked down there was....

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