Chapter four-Company meeting

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P.S This was suppose to be the cover photo

I was currently sit in the waiting room with  jungkook to be honest it was a awkward silence and I couldn't take it anymore so I decided to speak

"Ummm well I didn't really get a chance yesterday but thank you for saving me" I looked over nervously waiting for a reply

"Ohhh you welcome but you don't really have to thank me"

"Well I should really apologize than because if I had moved you would not have needed to save me and we would not be in this mess right now...So I'm really sorry"

"Don't apologize it's not you fault you were afraid anyone in your shoes would probably be the same"

Jungkook looked at me and smiled  'how cute' I thought to myself... wait what am I thinking. I snapped myself out of it and looked away

Just than the doors to the waiting room opened and there stood both our bosses

I was so scared for what would happen and what they would say. What they said next was very unexpected and I didn't know how to react

Yg said"We have decided to realise a statement confirming that you both are dating "

My jaw dropped what did he mean we need to confirm we are dating .I was shocked I though maybe they think we are dating so I had to clear this up

"But we are not dating"

Yg looked at me and said" I know that but you will confirm that you are dating"

I didn't understand

Jungkook's POV

Did I hear right?
Did he just ask us to confirm we dating?
But we not dating!What is this
I was confused about the whole situation so I looked at my boss hoping for an explanation

"Well you see Jungkook and Lisa after dispatch created the story a lot of fans of both of you having been supporting your relationship"

Yg than spoke:"And because of this both of you have become very popular a lot of people are supporting the two of you and are happy this is happening"

"We know this doesn't always happen but we think it's best to confirm you are dating to benefit the two of you"

What was I hearing I really can't believe them how could they want us to do that

Yg continued"Think about if you do you will be the power couple of K-pop,everyone will love you and imagine what you can achieve.You can be the most popular people not only in Korea but globally because both of you are globally recognized"

I mean from a business point of view it's the best option but I didn't want to lie to my fans and I didn't want Lisa to get hate although there would be people to support us there are still going to be haters and how long will we have to pretend

Lisa has her life and I have mine. I'm not saying dating her would ruin my life but what if she is  dating someone

I mean I'm not dating anyone but I do have an on and off thing I haven't really made my mind up yet

A lot was going through my mind but I was speechless

Lisa POV

Omg what are they thinking I can't lie to my fans and I didn't want jungkook to lie to his fans either I don't think it would be right so I had to say something

"I don't mean to be rude but I don't think that's the best solution I'm sure there is a better way out it's just that I don't feel right lying to our fans"

Everyone was staring at me than Yg spoke
"Well Lisa I'm sorry to say we didn't  come here to ask you we are simply informing you of our decision. You will follow our orders don't forget you signed a contract"

I was speechless how could they do this to us I looked at him in disbelief he continued by saying

"Tomorrow we will hold a press conference to confirm you are dating so be ready I will have the management team send you a run down of what to say you know like how you met and how long both of you have been together, I expect you to memories it"

Bang Si-hyuk spoke" I expect you to act like a couple and make it believable because after the conference we plan to send you on some shows to promote your relationship and one more thing we decided you will collaborate on a song...It will be a love song of course that will make you a more lovable couple but we can discuss this late"

With that Jungkook and his boss left

What am I going to do I can't believe this is really happening what have I got myself into
I headed back to the dorms I needed to tell my members and I needed to memories the information they going to give me

On my way back I couldn't help but feel bad for Jungkook as I was the reason he was in this mess 

I just wondered what fate had in store for us
I guess we have to wait to find out

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