Chapter twenty nine-I'm Sorry

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I arrived at Jisoo unnies house

Jisoo"Lisa come here"

Before anything thing Jisoo hugged me as jin oppa took my bags inside

I cried as I hugged Jisoo back she tapped me in a comforting manner

Jisoo"Its okay I'm here for you"

After composing myself I sat inside on the couch with Jisoo and Jin he was really worried about me

After sitting down I told them everything

Jisoo"I can't believe him"

Jin"That's odd I know for a fact Jungkook loves you I don't know why he reacted like that"

Jisoo"Lisa he may have a reason why he said that"

Jisoo did have a point but at that moment I was to hurt to hear any of it

"He may have a reason for why he said that but it hurt and now I don't know what to do"

Jisoo"Why don't you go to bed for now and tomorrow you can decide what you should do"

I headed to bed and under such circumstances I wouldn't be able to sleep but for some reason as soon as my head touched the pillow I fell asleep

Jungkook POV

I don't know why I said that to Lisa

When she said We should call it quits I said fine

After I stormed out I went to the nearest bar I was drinking and thinking

Why was I so stupid?Lisa must be hurting now

Ever time I think about marriage I think about what happened to my brother

Only If I just told Lisa she would of understood that's when I decided to go home and tell Lisa

"Lisa where are you"

I called out for her but no response I searched the house and she was no where to be found I opened the closest to find her belongings gone

Oh no what have I done

I tried calling her a million times no answer it always went to voicemail

Where are you Lisa I need to talk to you I was not crying on the floor like a baby

I can't lose her I'm so stupid as I was drowning in my own sadness my phone rang I answered it without looking at who was calling


Jin"No it's Jin"

"Ohh hyung"

Jin"Why the hell did you break up with Lisa?"

"Wait how did you know"

Jin"Lisa told me she is here and she was crying"

"Lisa is with you thank God I was scared when I saw her stuff gone"

Jin"Why would you hurt her?"

I decided to tell Jin everything including the reason I reacted the way I did

Jin"Jungkook you are an idiot you know Lisa is different"

"I know and I realise that"

Jin"Than come here in the morning and talk to her"

"I will hyung"

~Next morning~

I couldn't sleep I was thinking about Lisa I texted Jisoo noona telling her to send Lisa somewhere so we can talk

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