Character Introductions: Byleth and Ignis

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Ignis: He was first a Keyblade Master but after the fight against Xehanort, he lost his Keyblade and got infected by pure darkness. Since then he lives in guilt for failing to save his friends and hatred for Xehanort and lived with Yen Sid withdrawn to get stronger. After 9 years recovery and training with magic, he got to Traverse Town with a Star Shard to train with his sword and magic with twilight combined and uses the Heartless as dummys. When he has no other choice, he uses his cursed arm against them. He looks not very different from before except he has now an eyepatch and different clothes. He still has a youthfull appearence but with longer hair and carries his badge of the Keyblade Master as an earring on his right ear. Carries his sword wrapped on his back, with his Wayfinder on it. He may became colder but deep inside of him is the same old Ignis from years ago. He still has hope that his friends will one day, return and he gets his revenge. (his armor part is in his room in Yen Sid's tower)



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Has a glove to hide his left arm should he move it



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Byleth: She was before a resident in Radiant Garden. She had been found by Ignis who erased her memories and brought her to Destiny Island where she can live in peace. She got adopted and became friends with Sora, Riku and later Kairi. She has always strange dreams but every time she wakes up, she can't remember them anymore. She has still a little trouble to show emotions. She can for now smile, get serious and get angry. She shows her soft side to her friends, flowers and animals. She doesn't know that yet, but she has a great potential about magic and fightskills. 



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Except the self drawn pictures and OC Ignis, nothing is from me. Forgot to mention: whimsical-Bee from tumblr was so friendly, letting me borrow their wonderful keyblade art.

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