Deep Jungle

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In the Lane Between while searching for a trace of the King, Riku and Kairi, they suddenly stopped before a world that looked like a jungle with a waterfall and a tree house. The others looked at the world while Byleth learns Recover and Nosferatu.

Goofy: Hey, Donald, maybe King Mickey's down there.

Donald: In a backwater place like that? No way! Let's mo've on.

Byleth: It can happen that persons are in a place where no would look for.

Sora: Yeah! Hold on. Riku and Kairi might be down there. Let's just check it out.

Donald: Forget it! We're on an important mission!

Sora: Just land!

Donald: No!

Sora: Come on!

Donald: Aw, phooey!

Sora: *grabs the controler* We're landing! 

The gummi ship moves left and right while Sora and Donald were fighting about the controler. Goofy and Byleth held tight on their seats.

Byleth: Stop fighting, you two! *Sora than accidently pushed a button with his elbow which Donald saw*

Donald: Don't touch that! Nooo!

The gummi ship spiraled right into the world. Sora was suddenly crashed into a tree-house, leaving a big hole and slammed in the wood below. He sat up and rubbed his head in pain. The tree houses looked really old and long time not visited. Many places were ruined and plants were already spreading out.

Sora: Oww... my head... *stands up and looks around* Donald? Goofy? Byleth?

Sora hears then a wild growl and looked up and saw a leopard that immediatly jumped down towards him. He jumped back and summoned his Keyblade just in time as the the leopard swiped at him with his claws. Sora blocked it but has been flying back against a wall and hit with his back the wall. The leopard was stronger than it looked like. The leopard slowly stepped forward, ready to bite Sora in his throat. Before it happened, a well-built muscular man with brown hair, wore only a tattered, brown loincloth around his waist and with a spear in his hand came into the tree house and jumped before Sora and used his spear to block the leopard's attack. The man shoved the big cat away so that he growled and jumped through a window and fled into the jungle. Sora stood then up.

Man: Sabor, danger.

Sora: Um... thank you.

Man: Thank you. 

Sora: Huh? Uh, what is this place?

Man: This place. This place.

Sora: Okaaay... Where did the others go? *the man looks confused* Look, I got seperated from my friends. Have you seen them? *The man still doesn't get it and Sora points at himself and talked slower* Friends...

Man: *did the same* Friends!

Sora: Right, my friends! One is for me like a big sister, and there are two more of 'em. The loud one is Dona-- *stops himself* You know what? Never mind. I'm looking for my friends, Riku and Kairi.

Man: Look for Riku, friends?

Sora: Right! *he looked behind Tarzan and saw out of nowhere Kairi who smiled at him*

Man: Kairi, friends?

Sora: Uhh... right... *continues looking and then Kairi vanishes*

Man: Friends here.

Sora: Really!? *gets more attentive*

Man: *makes kind of ape noise* +&&X%.

Sora: Huh?

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