End of the World: Part 2

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(Note: Have you guys noticed that behind the door is a giant black heart?)

When Sora flew at Ansem, he pointed with his dual blade at Sora, causing him to stop so he attacked him from the distance. Ansem then summoned small balls who shot laser beams and swarms of bat like Heartless at Sora, causing him to dodge. He rushed then forward and attacked Ansem with powerful magical attacks, which made him grunt in pain and he retreated in his Dark Figure with a Heartless Emblem above him. The portal opened then.

Sora: This is the portal where Byleth and the other fell in?

He flew then inside and saw a dark area with a blue ground. From the far, he saw Byleth fighting wyvern Heartless.

Sora: Byleth!

Byleth: Sora? Good timing. I could really need help. 

Sora: You're alright in there?

Byleth: Yeah, could be better. I would ask how you got in there but I think I must wait.

Sora: Okay. 

Byleth: How do we get out of there?

After she asked that a small green orb appeared in the center of the room. Sora jumped up and slashed the orb so it got destroyed and resulted a blinding flash. When they opened their eyes, they were shot out back in the World of Chaos.

Byleth: Okay, now we know how we get out. *sees a blue glow* There's something before the guardian.

Sora: Let's check this out.

When the got closer, small blue tentacle like things began to attack them with arrow shaped projectiles. After some dodging, being hit and then healed and attacking with their Blades and fire spells they got destroyed. After the fight, the glow became to a red-yellow-green portal.

Byleth: You think Donald and Goofy are inside, too?

Sora: I'm sure of it.

When they were in the portal, it looked the same like Byleth's and Goofy was in there fighting Dark Balls.

Goofy: Sora! Byleth!

Sora: Hang in there! We'll help you!

After all Dark Balls got defeated, another orb appeared and Byleth destroyed it with a Cutting Gale and the three got shot out before the head of the ship so it started to move and roared att them.

Sora: It seems that's our next target.

Byleth: I hope we'll get Donald back after we defeat it.

Sora and Byleth slashed at the head, so it roared in pain and  purple lightning bolts rained down at Sora and Byleth and they got hit.

Byleth: It seems, it can only defend with lightning.

Goofy: Maybe we use Aeroga and your Ward to protect us against it?

Byleth: Not a bad idea.

Sora casted Aeroga and Byleth casted Ward on herself and Goofy and the three rushed towards the head and started to beat it with their weapons so long until the head stopped moving and opened it's mouth where another portal appeared. They wasted no time and entered the portal. Inside, they saw Donald fighting a lot of Invisibles with his magic. They immidiatly came to his aid.

Sora&Goofy: Donald!

Donald: Sora, Goofy, Byleth!

After some fighting all Invisiles got destroyed. 

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