Phil Cup and Agrabah

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Olympic Coliseum

After they heard Ignis' message there was a new tournament, they wasted no time and used the warp gummi to return to the Olympic Coliseum. In the gates was Ignis already waiting for them.

Ignis: There you are. I've informed Phil, that you would come. You could talk with Hercules before you go to him. 

Sora: Have you seen Cloud?

Ignis: Why would you want to know it?

Sora: I want to have a revange.

Ignis: So you couldn't accept the defeat. Yes, he was there before but left shortly before you came. He'll join in another match.... You're far away to get ready for this coming tournament.

Sora: Hey!

Ignis: I'll watch from the far. If you win, maybe I'll give you something useful.

Sora: Really?! Just wait! I'll sure show you what I can do and you'll accept calling me a Keyblade master.

Ignis: *thinking* He's really a lot like you... Ven. *chuckles and talks to Sora* You still have a long way to become one. Say that to me again when you're a few years older. *leaves into the lobby*

Sora: Hey, what should that mean!?

Ignis just waves from behind and went into the lobby.

Byleth: You know he was just teasing you.

Sora: *embarrassed* I knew it already.

They then went to Hercules who was before the lobby entrance.

Sora: Hey, Herc!

Hercules: Hey, Sora! It's time to go from junior hero to real hero. Oh and that stays between us. When Ignis was once here long time ago and won a match, he ran away because he dislikes big attention.You should had seen his face. Pale, wide eyed and red cheeks.

Sora, Donald & Goofy giggled. Now they had something to use against Ignis. After the little bit fun, they went into the lobby to speak with Phil.

Phil: Ah, you're here. Good. I've already cared about your participations. The rules are the same like before, you win all matches, you pass. If someone of you got defeated or got out of the ring, you're out. You're ready?

Sora: Yes. 

Phil: Then let the games begin.

Ignis: Wish you the best of luck.

The group went to the arena and prepared their weapons and the Phil Cup beginned.

(Byleth mainly did heal, slashing, using Fire, Wind and Nosferatu)

Ignis: Sora! *Sora turned to him* Catch! *throws to him a scroll with the writing Gravity* Like I promised. 

Back in the lobby.

Phil: I never thought you'd do it. Not bad.

Hercules: Phil, you're just as stubborn as ever.Don't pretend you're not happy for them.

Phil: Ahem! Now, you kids, you've still got a long way to do. The next round's startin' soon. Next time it'll be the real thing.

Sora: Of course! We'll be back for sure, Phil.

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