Traverse Town

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The first thing what Byleth saw was black, but when she felt something was licking her cheek, she opened her eyes and saw a yellow dog with yellow fur. Byleth smiled and stroked the dog on his head. But then her memories came back what happened earlier in her home and noticed she was lying on a hard ground and the place was illuminated by lanterns and behind her was a fountain with two dogs behind (lady and the tramp). The dog barked and ran away. When she stood up, she noticed that Sora was missing. She figured out that it had to be another world and then, she wandered around until she reached the First District and saw Sora was asking a few people and a small creature with antennes and red nose. She walked to him and Sora heard her coming.

Sora: Byleth!

Sora was running to her.

Byleth: There you are. I was just looking for you.

Sora: Yeah, I just wanted that too. *looks around* That's another world, right?

Byleth: *sarcastic* Another place, people we never met before, instead sand there's stone, so yes, must be another world.

Sora: *rubs his head*  Yeah, was a dumb question. *sees an Accessory Shop* We should ask where we are. And maybe Riku and Kairi are there, too.

Byleth just said nothing. She even doubted that the two would be here, too. When they entered, they saw a middle aged, muscular man with blond hair, white shirt, orange Haramaki, a blue trouser and black shoes. When the man heard the door to his shop open, he turns happy around. He had a toothpick in his mouth, googles on his head and an amulet around his neck.

Cid: Hey there, how can I... *gets dissapointed* Aw, it's only a couple of kids.

Byleth looked angry at him, feeling insulted beeing called a kid, when she was already an teenager.

Sora: *angry* We're not kids! And the names are Sora and Byleth!

Cid: Okay, okay, simmer down, So why the long face, Sora? You two lost or somethin'?

Sora: No! Well, maybe. Where are we?

Cid: Huh? *Sora told him what happened before they came here* You two are in Traverse Town.

Sora: Traverse Town... So, gramps, is this really another world?

Byleth pulls his ear for being rude, making him wince in pain. 

Cid: Don't call me gramps! The name's Cid! Anyway... Not sure what you're talkin' about, but this sure ain't your island.  *Byleth let go of Sora's ear and he rubbed at it*

Sora: *crosses his arms* Hmm... *turns to Byleth* Guess we'd better start looking for Sora and Kairi. 

Cid: Well, good luck with whatever it is you two are doing. If the both of you ever run into trouble, you come to me. I'll look out for you.

Byleth: Thank you, for your help. 

Cid: Heh, I really start to like you, kid. Be careful out there.

The two then left the shop. They split up and when they found someone or not, they should meet up in Cid's shop. Sora went to the Second District and Byleth to the Third District. When she got there, she was suddenly surrounded by these creatures from before. She summoned her Keyblade and defeated them easily. She missed one when it sneaked up behind her. When it wanted to jump at her, it got impaled by a red rapier. When Byleth heard the sound of the blade, she turned around and saw a man with an emerald green eye, long pure white hair, white cat ears and a white cat tail. He wore a black and red uniform where the left sleeve was longer what covered his whole arm and an eyepatch over his right eye. A few meters behind him laid a long blue bandage on the ground. When the creature was gone, he lowered his rapier. 

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