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Sora groaned when he woke up. Byleth was kneeling beside him and had her pink headband again on her head. 

Sora: Byleth? *sits up* Where are we.

Byleth: It seems we are now on the pirate ship what rammed us and instead in the Lane Between they were on the ocean.

Sora: Maybe we should call Ignis for help. 

Byleth: Do that. I'm going to search the others. *walks away*

Sora: *holds the Linkpearl on his ear* Ignis?

Ignis: Sora? What is it?

Sora: Well... we were in the Lane Betweens and the a ship rammed us.

Ignis: And now you want my help? What for a ship?

Sora: A pirate ship.

Ignis: A pirate... oh no. Wait, I'm coming.

In Traverse Town on a roof

Ignis: *takes the Linkpearl off of his ear* Please let it be not the pirate ship, that I think it is. I really don't want to meet that green brat and that codfish again. *sighs* I think I have to do it. You owe me something for that Sora. *takes out his star shard and teleported*

Back in the ship

Byleth and Sora were searching around for Donald and Goofy, until they heard a voice, they didn't heard since Monstro. And they got surrounded by Heartless with swords.

Riku: I didn't think the both you would come, Sora, Byleth.

Byleth: Riku...

Riku: Good to see you again. *notices the headband* You still carry this headband? *Byleth looks down*

Sora: Where are Donald and Goofy?

Riku: *balls his fists* Are they that important to you? More important than old friends? Instead of worrying about them, you should be asking... *reveals Kairi* about her.

Sora: *Byleth looks only at Kairi with widden eyes* Kairi!

They sprinted to them, but a hook hand blocked their way.

Hook: Not so fast. The name's Captain Hook and for you two, no shenanigans aboard my vessel, boy and girl. *besides him stands Smee*

Byleth: Riku, why are you siding with the Heartless?

Riku: The Heartless obey me now. Now I have nothing to fear.

Byleth: Are you stupid?!

Sora: *thinks of Jafar, Ursula and Oogie Boogie* Sooner or later, they'll swallow your heart1

Riku: Not a chance. My heart is too strong.

Sora: Riku...

Riku: Just watch. I've picked up a few other tricks as well. *snips with his fingers* Like this for instance. *after his snap, the shadow from Sora came to life* You can go see your friends now. Bring Byleth into the cabin. *the Heartless held Byleth's arms behind her back*

Byleth: Let go.

Sora: Byleth! 

A trapdoor opened under Sora and he fell down. After Sora fell, a ball of light came suddenly and flew right into the trapdoor before it closed. The Shadow disappeared into the ground.

Hook: What was that? Nevermind. Go, bring the girl there into the cabin.

Riku: *picks up Kairi and says to Hook* Let's get under way, already. And keep Sora away from Kairi and Byleth until we're ready to land. *leaves with Kairi while the Heartless followed with Byleth in their grasp* Make sure you keep an eye to them. *

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