Ansem's reports & Halloween Town

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Donald: Okay, it's dry! *faxes the report* Transmitting.

Sora: *turns off the hairdryer* You sure using a hairdryer is all right?

They used a few minutes of their time to dry the report after they left Atlantica. A while later Cid appeared on the monitor.

Cid: Good job! Another mystery solved.

Sora: So, what's written in the report?

Cid: Oh yeah. *faxes the translated report* Here's a summary prepared by Aerith.

Sora: *grabs the paper and reads out loud* I spent countless years acquiering all there is to know. My knowledge became power, and it is now protecting the world. I brought smiles to people's faces and they respect me. Still... People call me philosopher, but there are things I do not understand.

Goofy: A-Hyuck! Is this guy a big shot or what?

Cid: Ansem was a scholar and philosopher who governed our world. Everyone respected him, and the world was peaceful.

Sora: *continues reading* Everyone's heart, no matter how pure it may be... has darkness sleeping inside. A small amount of darkness can sometimes swell with surprising speed... and I've seen many people whose hearts were consumed by that darkness. Darkness... of the heart.

Byleth: Cid. You know something about it?

Cid: I'm not sure of the details after that... but he discovered some Heartless in the basement of his castle. Maybe all of craziness started back then...

Sora: Are these the end of the result of people who have lost their hearts? Or is this the realization of the darkness that already existed with them? Or is the chaos something entirely different? The only thing certain is that they have no feelings whatsoever. I must continue my research. It's fortunate that I have numerous samples to work with. They are created one after another. We need to give them a name. People without a heart... Let's call them "Heartless". If I study these Heartless and am able to understand their nature...I should be able to discover their purpose and the intent of their heart. To begin my study... I developed a machine for artificially generating Heartless. If these heartless were born naturally from people who lost their heart... then it should be possible to synthesize Heartless around the heart's principle. 

Donald: Wha!

Byleth: He did what?!

Cid: He synthesized more heartless... ?!

Sora: If I improve this machine, it may be possible to create Heartless from scratch. When I compared the machine-made Heartless and natural-born Heartless... I determined that the nature and performance of the two are nearly the same. But in order to draw more accurate test results... I will place a mark on the machine-made Heartless for identification.

Byleth: So, if hadn't Ansem started with the machine, then...

Sora: Then Maleficent wouldn't abuse the machine!

Donald: She must've created  Heartless after Heartless with the machine...

They thanked Cid and he shut down the screen. Byleth went back into her room and looked at the music box. When she thought about her time with Ariel, she couldn't help but smile. But when she sat on her bed and looked at her headband and her selfmade necklace, she thought about Riku. She became more worried about him.

Byleth: Riku... where are you? What's wrong with you? What is with Kairi? *places the headband and necklace on her nightstand*

She opened then the box and listened the music until she fell asleep. A while later, she heard a knock in front of the door.

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