Hollow Bastion: Part 2

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After a lot of fighting, Sora and his friends finally reached the Chapel but were stopped by Maleficent who blocked the way to the door behind her.

Maleficent: I'm afraid you're too late. Any moment now, the final Keyhole will be unsealed. This world will be plunged into darkness. It is unstoppable.

Sora: We'll stop it! After coming this far, there's no way we're gonna let that happen!

Maleficent: You poor, simple fools. You think you can defeat me? Me, the mistress of all evil? 

Ignis: Don't you think, you've forgotten someone?

Maleficent: What? 

Before she could turn around she felt a huge amount of pain on her side and saw Ignis before her with a black-purple claw that replaced his left arm and covered beneath his whole left side, the right eye glowed more red and the dark marks covered his right side of the neck and a part of his shoulder.

Ignis: Mitress of evil? What a joke. You couldn't even take that hit. Did you really thought your little pets could keep me down.

Maleficent: D-Damn you!

She raised her staff and a piece of rock floated into the air where she was standing.

Ignis: You're ready?

Sora: Yes!

Ignis: Good. Time that the witch gets what she deserves.

(Ignis used his normal sword attacks and dark spikes while Byleth mostly used spells)

Maleficent grunted and opened a portal behind her and stepped through. Ignis wasted no time and followed, not caring his wounds. The others healed themself and followed Ignis and Maleficant through the portal. Maleficent limped through a room, full of thorns when she tried to get back to the room where the machine was. 'Riku' appeared behind her.

Riku: Do you need some help?

Sora: Riku! *Sora and the others with the Beast caught up*

Donald: *notices Riku's Keyblade* Is that--

Riku: Yes. A Keyblade. But unlike yours, this Keyblade holds the power to unlock people's hearts. Allow me to demonstrate... Behold! *stabs Maleficent*

Maleficent: Wha--

Riku: Now, open your heart, surrender it to the darkness! Become darkness itself!

'Riku' removed the Keyblade from Maleficent's body and vanished into thin air. Maleficent glowed then a yellow-green light.

Maleficent: This is it! This power! Darkness... The true darkness!

A black, green and yellow fire erupted from her body and grew on size. When the fire vanished appeared a giant black dragon with wings and yellow eyes.

Ignis: Oh, you made yourself a bigger target. How friendly of you, you giant lizard.

Donald: Do you have to provoke her!

Ignis: Yes. I can't wait to burn her in my fire.

Sora: Less talk, more fighting!

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