Olympic Coliseum

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The four flew with the gummi ship to world where clouds flew around and on top of the sand was a huge Coliseum and decided to stop there. When they arrived and went through a massive door and found themself in a giant coliseum. Around the Coliseum were giant walls and at the other side was another gate with pillars, two giant statues who looked like warriors who clashed with their sword at each side beside the gate. Before the statues were torches.

Sora: *stunned* Wow... Cool Gate.

Byleth: It looks like an arena. Maybe we could train to get stronger.

Jiminy: You're right, young lady. *appears from Sora's hoodie and jumped on Donald's beanie and holds out his journal* Er, ahem. This here is the Coliseum of Olympus. Famous warriors from all over the multiverse gather at this stadium regularly to pit themselves against each other in a mixed Martial Arts Tournament... That's right! *jumps back into Sora's hoodie*

Sora: *excited* Martial Arts Tournament!! 

Sora wasted no time and entered into the lobby where the others followed him.

Donald: We don't have time to participate, Sora!

Byleth: It can't hurt to try.

Sora: C'mon, just let us do it fer one eensy-weensy bit?

Inside the lobby of the coliseum where on each side a pedestal. behind one was a trophy case and on the other was a satyr who was writing on a shield with rules written on it.

Sora: Um...

Satyr: Good timing, give me a hand, will ya? *points at a pedestal without looking* Move the pedestal over there for me. I gotta spruce this place up for the games.

Sora and Byleth looked at each other before they nod and started to push.... or better trying. No matter how hard they tried, the pedestal doesn't moved one inch. Very soon they gave up. Sora walks to the satyr.

Sora: It's way too heavy!

Satyr: What? Too heavy? *starts to turn around* Since when have you been such a little-- *looks down and sees Sora* Oh. Wrong guy. What're you doing here? *jumps down* This here's the world-famous Coliseum-- heroes only! *the Satyr moves forward closer to Donald who backs away* And I got my hands full preparing for the games. So run along, pip-squeaks. *Sora looks angry at him* Look, it's like this. Heroes are coming from all over to fight ferocious monsters right here in the Coliseum.

Donald: *crosses his arms* You got heroes standing right in front of you.

Goofy: *holds with his hands one of Sora's and Byleth's shoulders* Yup. They're real heroes chosen by the Keyblades!

Donald: And we're heroes, too!

Satyr: Hero? That runt? *laughs*

Sora: What's so funny? We've fought a bunch of monsters!

Satyr: *makes a push move at the pedestal* Hey, if you can't move this... you can't call yourself... a hero! *looks at Byleth and smiles* Look sweetheart, I can't let you join the games, but if you want I would do the honor to train such a pretty girl like you by myself. *Byleth flinches*

Sora: *steps before Byleth* Hey! Why can't we join the games?

Satyr: *points with two fingers at him* Two words: You guys ain't heroes. *Goofy counts the words*

Sora: Come on! *He and Donald let their heads hang, Byleth looked passive and Goofy was counting with his fingers*

Even when the Satyr refused to let them join the games, he gives Sora the spell Thunder to master it.

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