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Somewhere in the Lane Betweens in the gummi ship

Donald: *stares at the lamp* The more we travel, the more stuff we gotta find... We should just post a sign on the gummi ship advertising ourselves as professional get-backers or something "Items recovered or your money back".

Sora: Aww, stop it already...

Donald: What!? We're lookin' for stuff anyways! The way things are going, it's like we're straying a little further from our objective every step of the trip... *they hear a piep noise on the dashboard* Eh? What's this? *sees a glowing button "Push me"* Was this botton here before? *push the button*

Cid: Yo, kids! How's it hanging?

They looked up from where the voice came and saw on the giant window with a big screen with Cid.

Sora: Cid!? When'd you...

Cid: *laughs* Added it the last time you dropped by the garage for body job. Thought you would've heard from Chip n' Dale.

Donald: Nobody ever friggin asks me before tamperin' with the bloody ship goddamit!

Cid: Wha?? What's wrong?

Sora: *holds Donald back* Uh, sorry. He's just crankier than usual today... In any case, we sealed up the keyhole in Agrabah, so tht's outta the way... We also managed to get a page from the Ansem Report on-site.

Cid: Good to hear, kiddies nice work.

Sora: I tried reading the thing, but I can't decipher the writing at all...

Cid: Fax it over. I'll have it decoded in a Jiffy...

Sora: Fax!?

Byleth tap his shoulder and pointed with her finger at the fax what was somewhen installed by Cid.

Cid: Convenient, 'innit!? *Sora faxes the Report to Cid* I've got Leon and the girls out on the scene gathering information... Maleficent's definitely on the move. There's been a series of premeditated kidnappings across the multiverse, preperated by our good friends, the Heartless. Intel has it that the individuals targeted have a few, uh, common traits...

Sora: *they all think on Jasmine* We know... There was a girls we met, that was taken from her world right in front of our eyes...

Cid: What!? I see. If you guys find more Ansem Report's fax it. We'll decode it.

Sora: Got it.

Cid: Good luck out there. *closes the connection*

Goofy: Can it be the reason why Alice disappeared, too?

Donald: Could be possible.

Sora: Maybe Ignis knows more.

Byleth: *sees something* Uhm, guys.

Sora: What is it, Byleth?

Byleth: There's something coming to us.

They all looked the same direction, where Byleth was looking and they saw something big and grey swimming to them.

Donald: What is that?

Sora: Wow, it's huge!

The giant gray creature swam above the ship.

Byleth: Is that a giant whale!? 

Jiminy: *appears from Sora's hood and jumps on his shoulder*It's Monstro! He's whale of a whale and vicious besides.

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