Hercules Cup & Hollow Bastion: Part 1

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In the Lane Between

After they left Neverland, Ignis gave Sora a short message that a new Tournament in the Coliseum was. They still wondered how he got the darkness in his arm and eye. Byleth assumed that this battle he had traumaticed him a bit and that the darkness fed itself from Ignis' hatred and wrath and corrupted his negative feelings without noticing it. First they made a stop in Tarverse Town while Sora got sucked into this book where they had find the pages for Merlin in his house and the others went to a shopping tour, buying potions and aether. Some time later, Sora came back and and flew back into the Lane Between. They had the feeling they had to be stronger and Donald flew to the Olympic Coliseum. When they arrived, wasn't Ignis there to greet them so they went to Phil to join the games. In the Lobby was Cloud there, too.

After the fight against Cloud and the last rounds with the  Heartless, Hercules went to the arena.

Hercule: Show me what you've got!

Sora: Hercules, wait. Let's go one-on-one!

Byleth: You sure, Sora?

Sora: Yeah. I know with you guys it will be faster but this time I want to do it alone. I've secretly even used your weights.

Byleth: So that was why they weren't on the same place anymore. Okay, let's take seat and watch.

Donald: Gwarsh, alright.

Goofy: Good luck, Sora! 

They left to take a seat and watch the fight.

Hercules: I'm not gonna go easily on you!

After their victory, they went back into the lobby. 

Hercules: Wow! And I didn't even hold back!

Sora: Now I finally know what you mean about strenght of heart. Mine comes from Byleth, Donald and Goofy.

Phil: Come again?

Sora: If we stick together, we're unbeatable. Not even Hercules stands a chance. With these guys beside me, I'm ready for anything!

Phil: But that's exactly what I...

Hercules: *cuts Phil off by picking him up* Of course. Your friends give you strenght. Isn't that right, Phil? The four of you together make great heroes. *sets Phil down* And as a team, I'm sure you can overcome anything.

He and Sora then made a high five. Phil then left with Hercules the arena to train him, saying quick a goodbye. When they were gone, they tried together to move the pedestal they couldn't move before. After all the fighting and stronger made them strong enough to move the pedestal to the wall. When the pedestal was moved, they saw on the ground a Keyhole glowing so Sora summoned his Keyblade and sealed it. They then left the arena. When they were on the way to the ship, they saw Ignis looking exhausted and in pain. The darkness grew from his arm to his arm and a part of his neck. The darkness in his eye left dark marks on his face. Sora and the others ran to him.

Sora: Ignis!

Ignis: So... ra.

Sora: What's happening with you?

Ignis: The darkness inside of me gets stronger. I've always tried to hold it down but it gets stronger.

Donald: How long do you have it?

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