Traverse Town 2

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In the Lane Between when they were on the way to Tarverse Town, Sora wanted to be the one flying but Donald didn't let him.

Sora: Hey, I wanna be pilot!! *runs to Donald to get to the consoles*

Donald: Hey, stop it!

Sora: Oh, come on! I'm the Keyblade master.

Donald: I don't care who you are! No!

Byleth: *facepalms* Not again.

Goofy: It seems so. Here we go again...

Donald: Ack!!! No! Stop, Sora!!

In the meantime in Traverse Town, Yuffie was leaving the Accessoire Shop. Since the Heartless got destroyed, the place became peaceful.

Yuffie: Seeyah, Mista Highwind!

She heard then some noise and looked at the direction. The four went from the gate into the town but they were covered with black carbon and steam rising from their bodies. Sora's hair looked like an afro.

Byleth: Don't do that ever again.

Goofy: ...

Donald: *angry* Are you blind!? You crashed us into an effin' meteorite! 'the hell is wrong with you!? You ain't never touchin' the controls again in my lifetime! Never!

Yuffie looked at them confused and if they were crazy.

Sora: *awkward* Uhh... anyway... We're back.

Yuffie: *sweatdrop* Er... Okidokey?

Sora: *fixes his hair* By the way, there's something we wanted to ask Leon. You know where he is, Yuffie?

Yuffie: Hmm... Dunno fer sure, but I'd say he's down in the waterways trainin' with his gunblade again, you guys can go take a look if you like. It' s in the Second District.

Sora: Thanks, Yuffie.

They went first to Cid who should looking for the gummi ship. Of course he was angry when he heard what happened, but was already working with it. Later, they reached the Second District and they saw a sewer where before a tunnel was blocked by bars.

Byleth: Has Leon a key or what? I don't think our Keyblades or magic would help. *sees the three nodding at each other* Hey, what are you guys planing*

Goofy: Could you please go to the side?

Byleth was confused but did as he asked. The 3 males took severly steps back before running at the bars with their heads forward. Byleth couldn't believe that it work. How hard were their heads. For sure harder when they were in the Coliseum. She shaked it off and went into the cave. In there they saw Leon train with his gunblade with Ignis who fought against him and Aerith was watching them. Leon was not wearing his leather jacket but a white shirt.

Sora: Leon!

The two broke up their practice fight and looked at him. They told them what happened in the Deep Jungle. 

Byleth: When we're ready... You know of the Keyhole before, right? 

Ignis: Smart. Yes, but I wasn't there but I could feel it when I was warped by. That was before I met you again.

Leon: So, you found the Keyhole.

Sora: Yeah. The Keyblade locked it automatically.

Aerith: Good.

Leon: Every world among among the stars has a Keyhole. And each one leads to the heart of that world. There must be one in this town as well.

Sora: What do you mean?

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