Pegasus Cup and Atlantica

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In the Olympic Coliseum

When they arrived in the evening, they looked at the Tournament Board and they read Leon & Yuffie. Surprised how they came here, they went into the Lobby to meet Phil, so they could enter the games. Ignis was gone a moment ago but left something, if they should win. They went to the arena and the Pegasus Cup started.

When they won, Sora got Strike Raid and Byleth Haze Slice. Ignis left for the group a new gummi block. They met up with Phil and Hercules.

Hercules: Looks like Phil's trained another great hero!

Sora: Is strength the most important part of a hero?

Phil: Well, what you really need is a strong heart. What makes a strong heart? If you have to ask, you're not a hero yet!

Sora: Stop talking in riddles!

Phil: It's not a riddle!

After they finished the tournament, they went back into the gummi ship to the next world. Sora was in the meanwhile really worried about Byleth. Since the encounter with Riku in Monstro, she didn't spoke one word. They all tried to make her speaking again or through funny faces to laugh but nothing helped. She just sat silent and learned Aura. After some time of flying they landed before a rocky world with immense holes on its surface. Beneath the surface was a underwater kingdom, a broken ship and a monstrous skelleton.

Donald: Okay, guys. Prepare for landing.

Sora: Land where? In the sea? We'll drown!

Donald: Not with my magic, we won't. Just leave it to me.

Donald raised his staff and whole ship was blinded with a light flash. When the light died out, they were suddenly in the ocean. Sora and the others looked different. Sora was now shirtless with a blue tail fin, Goofy looked except his head like a turtle, Donald was shirtless too with blue octopus tentacles with a yellow underside and Byleth's top was gone, replaced with a pink brassiere made of clams and a midnight blue tail fin with light green lines. The headband was still on top for her head. But there was one problem. They couldn't really swim in their forms.

Donald: Well, we should learn how to swim.

After some learning, until they got a little better to move in their forms, they heard suddenly someone coming.

Mermaid: Come on, Sebastian! *calls to the crab behind her*

Sebastian: Ariel, wait! Slow down! Don't leave me behind!

They saw three figures, swimming straight to them. There were a young woman with a green tail with paler green, translucent fins and a brassiere made out of purple clams, bright blue eyes and full red lips and long, cherry red hair, a round, yellow fish with sky blue stripes along his top side, dorsal fin and tail fin and a small red crab. The crab Sebastian finally kept up and looked at Donald who looked gloomy upside down and screamed in surprise, so that he and the fish hid behind the Mermaid Ariel.

Ariel: Relax, Sebastian. *looks at the group* They don't look like them. *looks behind her* Right, Flounder?

Flounder: *comes out* I don't know. There's something weird about them.

Sora: *scratches his head nervous* What do you mean?

Ariel: *swims around Sora* They do seem... a little different. Where are you from?

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