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When they landed, they fell into a dark shaft but their fall suddenly slowed down and Goofy made a relaxed position until they landed gently on the ground with their feet, except Goofy, who landed on his stomach first on the ground.  They were on a room with red bricks with pictures on the wall and a checker board looking floor. Out of the nowhere, a white rabbit with glasses and a red suit carrying a big pocket watch running past the group. It seemed, he was in hurry.

White Rabbit: Oh, my fur and whiskers! I'm late, I'm late, I'm late! Oh, dear, oh dear, oh dear! I'm here, I should be there. *the four looked at the rabbit* I'm late, I'm late, I'm late! The queen, she'll have my head for sure! *runs through the hallway*

Byleth: *blushing* Cute... *Donald and Goofy looked at her*

Sora: She has a weak spot about animals, sweets and flowers.

They followed the hallway and stopped before a door. When Sora openend it, there was another one, but a bit smaller and then a third smaller door, and there's finally the passage. They entered through and came to another room. The walls of the room were pink, the bed, table and chairs were in one side and the chimney in another side. They looked down where the rabbit was running, but was suddenly much smaller and ran through a door where the doorknob had a face and was sleeping. They walked to the door and Sora knelt down.

Sora: *to himself* How did he get so small?

Door: *opes it's eyes* No, you're simply too big. *the four were surprised that the knob just spoke*

Donald: It talks!

Door: *yawns* Must you be so loud? You woke me up.

Goofy: Good morning.

Door: Good night! I need a bit more sleep.

Sora: *bows more down before the door* Wait, what do we have to do to grow small?

Door: Why don't you try the bottle... over there? *looks behind Sora who turns around*

A chair and a table grew from the ground and two bottles appeared on it. He stood up and the four looked at the bottles. Byleth saw a hole behind the bed, so she pushed it away and the bed zoomed into the wall like a painting. They were looking at her.

Byleth: Could be maybe useful.

They drank from the red bottle and then they shrank down so they would fit through the door. Sadly when they have shrunk, they were ambushed by Shadow-, Soldier- and Red Nocturne Heartless. The first two weren't hard to defeat but they found out that the floating Heartless were immune against fire, so Byleth used Wind or his Keyblade in whip mode. When the fight was over, they tried to enter through the door but the knob was asleep again and it didn't seemed, it would wake up again, so they went trough the passage, Byleth made free. They arrived then in a big garden with strange walking play cards. The were all holding a spear or an axe. They were lined up somehow for an event. The rabbit from before ran up to a small pedestal on the side. Next to it was a high stage with a throne on it. On the throne sat a plump woman with black hair in a updo and a crown on her head, wearing a red and black designed dress what resembled cards and held a scepter what looked like a heart. The cards get in another position and revealed on a platform standing a young girl who seemed to be in Sora's age with blonde hair with a black bow on her head, weared a knee-lenght blue dress, white outer valance and socks with black shoes. She seemed  confused why she was there. The white rabbit took a few breathes and blew into a trompet.

Rabbit: Court is now in session!

Alice: I'm on trial? But why?

Rabbit: Her Majesty, the Queen of Hearts, presiding!

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