Chapter 1

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Chapter 1: Chapter 1

AN: This one has been lurking in the back of my mind for some time. And the original idea comes from WAAAAY back, even before I ever watched OUAT... The short version of the idea is to take the cast (my beloved ship CaptainSwan) into a setting/storyline much like "Dirty Dancing"... (my old "original" idea was to do the same with the cast of Harry Potter... not sure that will ever happen...I think... I love CaptainSwan and OUAT way too much now... :) )

The story WILL NOT follow the Dirty Dancing storyline 100%, BUT the themes and overall idea is the same. Emma goes to this vacation resort with her family and yes there will be dancing... and since I'm NOT a dance expert what so EVER the technicalities of the dance segments will not be described to perfection. I hope my idea will be visible to the readers anyway.

Can't wait to hear what you think of this little crazy idea of mine. (So yes reviews would be amazing... thanks) ENJOY

Chapter 1

"Mom?! Tell me again why we needed to go on this trip... this family trip as you like to call it?" Emma asked from the back seat, her earbuds pulled out so she could hear her mother's reply... she sighed in resignation. She knew she would hate this trip; she hated it before they left their home, she hated it now, and she sure as hell would hate it once they got there. Having just turned 21, she sort of felt lured into agreeing to come along. Oh, but your brother would miss you, and we really want to have this family vacation with both our children. Emma could hear her mother's voice inside her head.

"Oh honey, you know we wanted to do this as a family. I know you're a grown woman now Emma, but we can still have fun as a family; that won't change." Emma's mother explained.

"It will only be a few more hours, sweetie," Emma's father chimed in, and changed lanes on the highway. It would be a short time before they would pull off the highway and onto smaller roads leading to their final destination: "Storybrooke Hillside resort." Who had come up with a name like that...? Emma wondered. It was a family friendly vacation resort located in the mountains, next to a large lake. It had all the activities you could imagine, and maybe even a few you couldn't imagine. Her mother had told Emma there were dance classes and had looked at her like she would jump over the moon with joy over this fact. So, okay, she had been doing the usual school plays and has done fairly decent in the dance department, all things considered. She even got her nickname Swan after one production of, guess what... "Swan Lake." Emma was okay with it; she had had the lead role in it, though by no means had she been a top talent at dancing. As of now, everyone around her called her Swan, and she was okay with that.

"Storybrooke Hillside Resort" was owned by Regina Mills-Hood, who was married to Robin Mills-Hood. Robin was an old college friend of Emma's father, David Nolan. He had been in the hotel business over the years, and when he had married Regina 3 years ago, he had taken over the run of the actual hotel on site. They each had a son from previous marriages; both spouses had passed away. Regina had Henry, age 11, and Robin had Roland, age 9. The boys always loved their time at the resort during summer break. Emma had heard her father talk about his old friend and the new family Robin had gotten. So, when they had been invited to the resort, her parents had accepted gladly.

Emma glanced at the resort catalogue her mother had deliberately placed on the backseat. It was filled with all the summer activities the place had to offer. She might as well get a look at what dreadful things she could do this summer, unless she wanted to stay cooped up in her room with her phone and read. But she guessed cell service was dodgy at best; they were out in the middle of the woods after all. Speaking of woods, Emma looked at all the outdoor stuff one could do- kayaking, rock-climbing, ziplining over the water, treetop walking, and hiking. Again, all the usual stuff, and each day also offered a variety of sports and games. Emma was not much into that. Then there were crafts, drama classes, and yes-lo and behold-the dance classes. All classes were explained and a photo of the dance instructor(s) in charge was on each page. But the very last class "Classic dance with a modern twist," had no picture, only a name: Killian Jones (Picture not available). Emma scoffed at this; the dude was probably old as shit and had a potbelly. She had no idea what she wanted to do; she might as well cave in to her mother's idea of a fun time, with the family. Emma looked at her younger brother, Leo. Well, his real name was Leopold, but Emma always called him Leo, her little lion. What had her parents been thinking when they chose that name?

"So, are you getting familiar with what is being offered as activities, honey?" Her mother's voice pulled her out of her thoughts.

"Hmm, I guess," Emma mumbled and looked out the window. They had been there some 4 years ago. Regina had inherited the resort one year before, from her late husband. She had recently met Robin and started dating him, so he had been the one to suggest that his old friend bring his family up to the resort. Until then, Regina had had little to no interaction with that side of her late husband's resort. But now she had thrown her whole life into it; she and Robin had made the necessary changes to the place so it would be modern and up to par with what the guests wanted. So they-well her parents at least- looked forward to seeing what they had done with the place.

They turned the last bend of the road and the gate into the resort came into view. It sure looked as if changes had been made. Everything looked pristine and fancy, yet with a homey feel to it. The Nolan family had booked one of the luxury cabins; they wanted the privacy away from the hustle and bustle in the hotel. Emma liked this.

When they parked the car, they were greeted by Regina Mills, followed by Robin. As her parents greeted their friends, Emma got out of the car and walked to the back to get her bags.

She was met by a young man, who quickly introduced himself: "'ello there love, me name is Will, Will Scarlett at your service, Miss...?" He raised a questioning eyebrow at her. Emma smiled. He clearly thought he was quite the ladies' man.

"Swan." She replied, she usually just said her nickname. It had stuck, and it sometimes caused some funny reactions when meeting new people.

"Swan? What the bloody f... eh sorry love, what kind of a name is that?" Will asked in surprise.

Emma laughed and said: "I'm Emma, but everyone calls me Swan. It's a long story, which you are not going to get." Will gave a pouty face at this but began unloading the bags to a golf cart that would bring them down to their cabin.

"Will's the name, love, in case you ever need assistance with anything while you're here with your family." Will chimed in, and grinned.

"Thanks, I guess," Emma replied and shook her head. She really wasn't in the mood to chitchat at the moment.

Emma tuned out Will's chatter and turned around to look over the parking lot filled with fancy cars. Being in a fairly rich family herself, she was used to it. Her father owned Nolan Industries, which produced large farming equipment.

Suddenly, a beat-up old truck came through the gates and drove to the back of the hotel. Emma looked curiously at the car but she could not clearly see who drove the truck, only dark shadows and what looked like dark hair. Who would drive such a beat-up car to a fancy place like this?

Will had apparently seen her curious look and whispered: "Ah that would be one of our elusive dance instructors; I pulled a few strings to get him this gig. Ye know I ken' him from our time in England, where we went to school together. He needed a change in scenery so to speak." Will shrugged, and added, "But never mind that bloke, he is no good for a lass such a' you'self." He winked at her and she could see that he hoped to win her over by his British charm. The accent was a nice change, but Emma was not really ready to pursue any romantic involvement right now. Not after the whole Neal break-up. It was still too raw to think of.

But she did take him up on the offer to drive with him to their cabin. Her parents and Leo drove with Robin. Once they arrived, she helped Will to unload their bags. Then she bid him farewell and let herself into their home for the summer. They spent the rest of the day together as a family, getting to know their surroundings and locating the various activity sites.

As Emma lay in her bed that night she looked in the catalogue again and came to the page with the class "Classic dance with a modern twist." She paused and wondered if the mysterious instructor might be the same guy who drove that old truck. Well, the vacation would have to be filled with something, so she might as well do something that she sort of enjoyed. With that decision made, she lay down to sleep, wondering what this summer would bring.

END NOTE: hope you like this idea... tell if you think this will work or not. Next up Killian and Emma will meet.

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