Chapter 14

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AN: I find it kinda tough doing things that are a little angsty and when things go downhill... But I think it turned out okay in the end... let me know in a review... enjoy

Chapter 14

Regina walked to the dance studio as she thought it would be the first place to look. Robin had a few things he needed to do at the hotel. It was very rare that Regina ever went to this part of their resort, the dance instructors were pretty much running the place, and she knew the place was kept in perfect order. While she walked up there, she made a few calls making sure that the rest of the dance department would be notified of them missing a dance instructor for the rest of the season.

As she walked in she could see Will Scarlett wrapping up his street dance class and a large group of kids was bouncing around and having a blast. Regina didn't really care for the music but seeing her guests having fun made her smile. Then her eyes landed on Killian Jones sitting next to Emma Nolan and her smile faded. This was one of those parts of the job that she never really liked doing, and this case was even tougher as it in a way involved a friend of theirs. She imagined Emma would be heartbroken.

Killian had come to the studio when he learned that Emma would be there with her brother. He was sitting next to her making small comments and jokes about the dance going on, some of the kids clearly had no real rhythm in them but they all had fun and that was all that mattered. They both tried to act as if they were just friends and well acquainted since they had danced together, but often their hands or fingers had brushed against each other making them both jump and shoot worried looks around the room trying to see if anyone had noticed. They hated hiding this from the world around them.

When the class was wrapping up they both spotted a grim-looking Regina Mills walk into the room. This could never mean anything good. They cast a quick worried glance at each other and Killian shrugged as if to say that he had no idea what was going on. Emma sat biting her lip while all the kids moved out of the room. Her brother came bouncing over to her with a huge grin on his face. He looked like he had had fun. Will walked over to them and said, "Hi there, so what's going on?" He had not seen Regina walk into the dance studio.

"That is going on," Killian said grimly and pointed towards Regina Mills walked over to them with purpose-filled strides. The look on her face told them all that this was not a social call.

"Shite..." Will exclaimed in a whisper, when he saw his boss, doing a mental check himself to see if it was he that she was going for. But he came up short, as far as he knew he was good, then he looked at his friends and it dawned on him what might be going on. Just before she had come over to them he whispered, "I'll take your brother outside, eh?"

Emma nodded her thanks to Will, she too had come to the realization what Regina's mission was this morning. Without really thinking about it she grabbed Killian's hand and rose with him to meet Regina.

Regina shot a look at their clasped hands and said without further pleasantries, "Killian Jones may I speak with you in private for a moment!?" She nodded her head towards one of the smaller back rooms in the studio.

Emma was about to let go of his hand but he squeezed her hand letting her knew he wanted her there with him, she looked at him with worry written all over her face while she bit down on her lip. She had a pretty good idea about what Regina wanted to talk to Killian about.

"She stays!" Killian said shortly, he had an unreadable look to his face completely void of all emotions, it worried Emma even more.

"Very well it does in a way involve her too, so fine with me." Regina's voice was clipped and cut short. Emma noticed her gaze flickering between the two of them, she was not enjoying this very much. Emma had known the woman very shortly and had pretty much only spent time with her that one time she and her family had had dinner with the Mills-Hood family a few weeks ago.

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