Chapter 13

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AN: This chapter turned out to be a bit tricky to write as it sort of not evolves 100% around what Emma and Killian are up to... and there are a bit more "drama" going on here... I hope I managed to make this work... I did try to be more rigid in terms of POV I know I'm such a slob to make it only one POV... but I feel it still works when I jump around between what the different characters think or feel in the situation... (let me know in a review if you disagree ;) ) Well this chapter is more strict in terms of POV's (might not so much in the start where we DO see Killian and Emma together.) I took this as an opportunity to challenge my own writing a little... ENJOY.

Chapter 13

The week after the charity event Emma spent most of her time with Killian and her new friends, enjoying her time with her newfound love. It was still difficult trying to hide their relationship all the time but whenever they spent time with their friends in one of their cabins they took full advantage of this.

Emma's parents had even invited the group of friends for a small barbeque dinner, she knew that the only reason they did this as an excuse to get to know Killian. The evening had turned out to be fun and less awkward than Emma had imagined it to be. Her parents had been nice and talked with Killian as if he was already a part of their family. Though Emma had seen her father shoot some strange looks their way whenever Killian would discreetly touch her back or stood a little close to her. They had been outside the cabin so they could not really show affection the way they both wanted, but it would have to make due for now.

Friday morning her mother asked Emma what her plans would be for the day, and when Emma told her she would meet Killian for a pre-lunch practice and would eat lunch with him too, she said, "Okay well I hope you will keep the evening open for a family dinner up at the restaurant." Her mother said with a smile. Emma nodded and said, "Sure thing mom, it would be nice."

Her time with Killian at the dance studio was a mix between trying to practice for the dances at the talent show and fully enjoying their time together. Since their close call with Walsh, they had tried not to show too much affection when being together. They were both getting more and more frustrated and they needed some more time together.

They were eating their lunch and talked about their situation when Emma suggested, "Could we make another dinner date at your cabin this Sunday, I... well I'm sick and tired of playing this cat and mouse game with everyone... I want to spend a whole evening with you... I miss you." She sighed and finished her last bite of sandwich.

"I know what you mean, I miss being able to kiss you properly," He waggled his eyebrows at this, and then added, "but that sounds like a lovely idea with a dinner date... I'll promise to have something else prepped for dinner than grilled cheese..."

"I love grilled cheese, but I'll take whatever you find for us," Emma said with a smile, she rose from her seat and walked over and wrapped her arms around him, kissing his temple. Killian wrapped his arms around her waist just enjoying the closeness.

"Well, as much as I enjoy this I got guests coming in shortly for my next dance class." He got up and pulled her in for a final kiss, trying to make it modest, but Emma wanted more and held on to his shirt. Her mouth opening up under his, letting the kiss become deeper. They both groaned when they finally pulled apart. Reluctantly Emma walked out of the studio after letting him know that she would not join either him or Ruby and Will for anything fun that night.

The rest of the afternoon she spent with her family and later they all got ready for their dinner. When they walked into the lobby of the hotel Emma saw with dread that it was Walsh who had the front desk job tonight. She groaned inwardly hoping he would not notice her, but luck was surely not on her side this evening. Her parents had walked ahead of her and Walsh swooped right in on her before she made the turn to walk into the restaurant.

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