Chapter 11

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AN: This is what I've been building the story up to... or well one of the peaks in this story... the charity dance... (and yes this is one of the HUGE changes from what happens in the movie Dirty Dancing... BUT I always imagined it just being a ground base for my CaptainSwan fic... so I hope you're not too disappointed about this, and I did try to sort of copy one specific scene from the movie at the very end... but still making it Killian and Emma's scene... ;) ) I added two more OUAT cast in two small parts... hope you like my choice.

Let me know in a review what you think... Enjoy (Longest one yet 6100+ words )

Chapter 11

The next four days were a blur of practice sessions with Killian, and they did test out the lift in the water with bigger and bigger success. After an hour of countless tries, they finally felt confident they could do it out of the water, and at one of their last rehearsals, they did it with success. Emma had been above and beyond excited about this and when she was standing on the floor again she had kissed Killian deeply, at the moment she had completely forgotten that Ruby had been fail-spotting them. Only when Ruby had made a loud fake cough did she pull away, shrugging her shoulders helplessly towards her friend.

"Ah, good thing it was just me in here eh?" Ruby had laughed and then continued if nothing had happened.

The days had also been endless tries to avoid being spotted holding hands or kissing, some of the regulars in the dance classes all knew that Killian and Emma practiced together for the charity event so no one looked twice when Emma would walk into the studio at the end of a class. But it got very difficult to school their expressions once they laid eyes on one another, something Ruby had commented once or twice, she claimed they were even more sickeningly in love than she and Will.

Emma did get a few curious looks from her mother and father once in a while when the talk came to the dance and Killian. But they both supported her and were looking forward to seeing them dance; Emma had not let them take a peek at their practice sessions. She was way too nervous as it was already.

The day of the charity event rolled in and Emma was a flutter of nerves when she woke up. They would go to the venue this afternoon to get a feel of the stage they would dance and do the final practice there. Emma had said she would try to relax in their cabin the whole morning, but she ended up pacing back and forth on their porch.

Her parents came back for lunch after dropping off Leo to his long playdate with Henry and Roland, their nanny Maria would watch the three boys for the rest of the day while Regina would be busy with the charity event and Robin had work to do at the hotel.

When her mother had seen how restless Emma was she said: "Emma sweetie please stop this, get in here and eat some lunch and then go to Killian and you can talk about whatever and plan the last details. This way you have something to do." She knew that her daughter was not good at just being idle and doing nothing.

Emma did as her mother told her to, then found her pirate dress and the pink dress she had borrowed from Ruby. With everything ready, she said farewell to her parents, who had promised to only show up at the charity event and not bother them backstage before their dance.

When Emma was about to leave the cabin her father came over to her and handed her two tickets to the event, when she looked at him puzzled he explained, "For your new friends Ruby, and that other British guy... Will?" Emma gaped at him in amazement; she had not seen that come, "why? I mean thanks... but why?"

"They are your friends and as I've heard they have both been a moral support to both you and Killian these past few weeks, so your mother and I thought it fitting that they should be able to see the show... you think Ruby will be able to come despite her injured foot?"

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