Chapter 5

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AN: longer chapter and somehow she is not that successful in avoiding Killian... hope you like this...

Chapter 5

The next day, Emma tried to avoid the dance studio, but her brother had dragged her up there when he realized there was a street dance class. It had surprised Emma to know that it was Will holding the class that had been scheduled a few times over the following weeks, so she asked him about it when they got to the studio.

"Oh, well, I've known Killian for ages, you know, we've been best mates since grad school, so old mates we are you see. And he sort of dragged me to this dance place once, and honestly, I thought dancing was these pompous ballroom dances, but he showed me a class with hip-hop/street dance. The wanker showed me that dancing could be more than that... I'll never be as good as him, but heck, when Regina Mills heard that I had a thing for street dancing, she offered me some extra hours if I'd do a few classes over the summer. She thought it would give the whole dance department some new perspective, you see... she is a smart woman that Mills lady." Will shrugged it off and got ready for the class. It seemed there were other young boys and girls that wanted to be cool with the street dancing.

Emma found a chair with a few other parents and watched with amusement when Will started the dance class. It was surprisingly easy for the fast-talking Brit to keep the kids' attention and teach them a thing or two about the dance. Who would have known that Will Scarlett had a knack for teaching kids, Emma thought to herself. In the week they'd been at the resort, she had learned that Will was talkative and spoke whatever was on his mind, no matter who he spoke to. Yet, he always kept the tone polite and courteous when he greeted the guests and took care of their luggage. Emma started to see why Ruby might find the man interesting. Thinking of Ruby, she had not heard from her all morning. They had started texting one another during the day, sort of starting what one might call a friendship. Emma liked this; new friends were good.

When the class was almost done, Ruby came to the dance studio, looking a little tired but with a big grin on her face. She sat down next to Emma and whispered, "Morning sunshine, you've been up early I see."

Emma shrugged and pointed to her brother, explaining, "The little lion wanted to learn how to street dance."

"Ah, I see, and he is pretty good. Guess he's got the rhythms from his sister. She is a fine dancer herself." Ruby winked at her, and grinned when Emma scowled back. She was sure as hell not a good dancer. She did okay, but beyond that, nope, she would never be a big ballroom dancer. She liked it for sure, but she would never want to dance as a career.

"You're looking mighty happy this morning; did you have fun last night?" Emma asked with a grin and eyebrow waggle.

Ruby shrugged and tried to hide the smile on her face. "I might, and it seemed as if you did too, getting mighty comfy dancing with our Killian Jones there last night." When Emma looked at her in surprise, she added, "Hmm, we saw you. We had not left, just sort of took a break from the heat. When we came back, we saw the two of you dancing- mighty close, I might add." Ruby gave her a wink at this.

Emma groaned and hid her face in her hands, "Shit you saw us, I thought the two of you had gone to do, eh well some horizontal dancing or whatever..." Emma tried to grin smugly at her friend but it failed miserably.

"FYI we did do that later, but we did see you and Killian in some hot Dirty Dancing kinda moves you know... and boy you looked hot together... my my..." Ruby waved her hands as if she was fanning herself.

"Shut up! Nothing happened, if you really have to know. We danced, yes, that's it..." Emma stated then smiled at her friend and said, "And good for you and Will. I'm happy you came to your senses with the man. I know I've only known you for a week, but heck, one would have been able to cut stones with the tension sometimes between the two of you. And Killian did tell me that you've been like this all summer. From what I can tell, he's a keeper."

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