Chapter 8

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AN: a bit long chapter... hope that is okay... hope you like what I did with yet another favorite scene from the movie Dirty Dancing... the lake practice... and I promise that their relationship is going to grow in this... enjoy...

Chapter 8

The next day, Emma spends the morning with her family. She agreed to go swimming with them, to her brother's great joy. The water play area was filled with people, and Emma sighed. She honestly didn't like the crowded space. But she did indulge in a game or two with her father and brother in the water, quite enjoying her time with her family.

When they had eaten lunch, she hiked up to the dance studio to practice with Killian. After their dress shopping adventure the day before, she had begun to relax more in his company. She genuinely viewed him as a friend, and she told herself that friendship was enough, for now.

Killian broke into a smile when she entered the studio.

"Hi love, so did your mother like the dress?"

Emma laughed and said, "Oh, don't get me started on what my mother thinks. Speaking of said parents they have bought tickets to that damn charity event, can you believe them?" Emma groaned, combing her fingers through her still-damp hair.

"Don't worry, I'm sure it will go perfectly. I do think they are just mighty proud of you, love." Killian smiled and patted her shoulder in condolence. He noticed her damp hair. "Have you gone swimming?"

Emma nodded and told him she had been out swimming with her family while she got herself ready to practice. She had learned that a warm-up and stretching her muscles was a good idea.

They practiced the waltz and began working on the pirate-themed dance, and Killian found the theme to Pirates of the Caribbean. Then they worked through various ideas to movements and steps that fit into the rhythm.

Emma got more and more confident about bringing in her thoughts and ideas as they got further into the dance. At first, she had shrugged her shoulders and told Killian that she didn't know how they should do this. She had felt a bit inadequate compared to Killian's experience. He continued to ask her, and when she finally gave a few ideas, he kept them in mind and worked with it and together they added to the dance.

When they had worked for over an hour, Emma started to feel tired and was missing more and more steps, and at one point she even managed to step on his toe.

"Sorry, Killian. I think we should call it a day, don't you?" She looked up at his face, still very close to hers, as they had been working through part of the dance that required it.

"Hmm, you might be right. We need a break." Killian smiled and kept his arm around her waist.

"So... eh...I'll... just..."

Emma was suddenly very aware of how close they still were.

Reluctantly, Killian released her hand and let go of her waist. His fingers scratched behind his ear as he grinned sheepishly at her.

"Sure, love. We got a lot done today, I think. And honestly, you don't have to sell yourself short in terms of knowledge about dancing; I think you're doing quite well," Killian said with a smile as he went over to get a bottle of water.

"Thanks, Killian, I appreciate that. I might start believing in it myself one day," Emma laughed while she too found a bottle of water and took a drink.

"So, what's your plan for the rest of the afternoon?" Killian asked curiously and sat down on a chair.

"Nothing, really," Emma answered with a shrug. She had not made any plans with her family.

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