Chapter 15

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AN: It's a bit easier to write the sort of fluffy filler before the grand finale... 

Chapter 15

The next day Killian had gone up to Regina's office to sign the papers and received his last paycheck. He had woken up with a heavy heart, he had enjoyed working at the resort, the atmosphere and down to earth feeling it all had when he would teach his dance classes. Now he was trying to look forward to what the future might bring, he had mulled over the idea of moving to Boston all evening after he had said goodbye to Emma. He liked the idea more and more and he had even started making plans to go online to search for a place to live. He knew what area of town she lived in, it was close to the college and he hoped he would be able to find something reasonably priced in the same neighborhood.

As he walked out of the hotel he made a short stop at the hotel gift shop and picked up two flower bouquets, one for Emma and one for her mother. He knew that it might be a tad too much but he wanted to give a good impression.

It was with an odd sense of relief he walked down to Emma's cabin, he was still annoyed at being sacked but he knew the future would bring him closer to Emma. So in all, it was with a smile on his face as he walked up to the cabin.

Emma had been waiting for him, she sat outside on the porch with her brother, when he spotted Killian he scampered inside shouting "Killian is here mom!" Killian smiled at Emma and walked up to her, giving her one of the flower bouquets, and a light kiss on the cheek, "Hey there love, how are you feeling today?"

"Still pissed, both at Regina but also my parents, can you believe them, they had talked with Regina before she had come up to the studio to... you know... I can't believe they did that." Emma huffed out in annoyance. She did give him a smile when he had kissed her.

"What?" Killian was surprised but then thought, "Well Regina and Robin know your parents so it might make sense for them to consult them before talking to me... to us." Killian shrugged and wrapped his arm around her letting her know he was there for her.

"Thanks, and I know, I'm just frustrated that it had to be like this, it's not fun that we can't dance this Saturday at the talent show. Fuck Walsh..." Emma stopped her talk when she heard the screen door open. Killian turned to greet Emma's mother who had come out, "Mrs. Nolan, thank you for letting me come here." He gave her the other flower bouquet

"Welcome Killian, and please do call me Mary Margaret." She took the flowers and reached for the one Emma held, "here Sweetie, let me take those too, we're almost ready to eat." She gave them a small smile and walked inside.

Killian pulled her into a tight hug and kissed her hair, "It will be alright love, I'm gutted as well I would have loved to dance with you at the talent show, it would have been one final big thing for us before you're going home."

"Thank you, Killian," Emma whispered as she rested her head on his shoulder, trying to calm her stormy emotions. She smiled to herself, this man was stunning in every way and he could always calm her.

She lifted her head and placed her hand on his scruffy cheek, leaning up to kiss him. Their lips had barely touched when the door banged open and Leo yelled "lunch is..." he stopped when he saw his sister kissing Killian, "Eew," then he laughed and sang, "Emma and Killian sitting in a tree K-I-S-S-I-N-G..." as he turned to walk inside again.

"Oh god sometimes I hate that little shite," Emma groaned and took Killian's hand, he was chuckling along the way as they walked in. He remembered his older brother had been the same when he was very young and he had been caught kissing the girl next door, he had only been 10. He would tell that story to Emma one day, she would see the humor in that; there would be so many things he would tell her about his life, his brother.

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