Chapter 10

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Longer chapter, and with a bit of drama with some angst... but not very much as I'm a sucker for sweet fluffy things... hope I wrote the sad parts okay... :) ?

I hope you enjoy this...

Chapter 10

The next day Emma woke up and joined her family for breakfast, she had gotten a text from Killian last night asking if she could meet him this morning at 10 o'clock. He had told her that he had a private session with Mrs. Gold before this so she should not come early. As so Emma walked up to the dance studio a little later than she usually would.

When she came closer to the studio she was very surprised to hear the heavy rhymes of a tango. Curiously she walked into the studio, the song was in its final stages and the couple dancing was moving in slow movements around the room. Emma hid partly behind the door frame as she looked inside, she could hardly believe her own eyes. Killian was holding a brightly smiling Mrs. Gold in his arms, far too close than Emma liked, but she did know the tango was danced close, but still, it did something strange to her heart seeing Killian being so absorbed in a dance with another woman. She did not like the feeling.

The music stopped and Mrs. Gold laughed wholeheartedly while she kept her hands on Killian, Emma managed to hear her words, "I'm loving this more and more Killian, thank you for showing me this dance, it is invigorating to be able to let loose like this with someone who loves dancing as much as I do, my husband doesn't enjoy dancing as such." She gave out a dramatic sigh at this, and Emma could see her batting her eyes at Killian giving him a flirty smile. Emma could not see Killian's face from where she stood; a small shrug of his shoulders was his only reply. Before they parted Mrs. Gold spoke again with a small smile on her lips, "until next time eh, ma chérie." Emma held back a gasp when she stepped closer and placed a kiss on each of Killian's cheeks. She did not need to see more, her heart shattered into a million pieces at this display of affection and Killian just stood there doing nothing, why? Her heart cried in pain as she stumbled her way back to her cabin, thankfully her parents had left to do stuff with Leo. She buried herself in her bed and pulled the covers over her head. Her mind going more and more numb the more she repeated the scene from the studio inside her head. It could not be real; the past couple of days had been the happiest in her whole life. She had not even felt this happy and free when she had been with Neal. She had never thought that Killian would betray her like this; it was not something he would do. But the scene in the studio had shown her something else. Her mind shut down as the tears welled up in her eyes, and she cried herself to sleep, not hearing her parents come back for lunch hours later.

Killian had finally been able to free himself from the grasp of Mrs. Gold, he had tried to politely give her a hint that he had other commitments after this session, but she had insisted of him teaching her the tango. As such, they had done yet another dance and Mrs. Gold seemed to enjoy herself far more than Killian cared for. He had seen the twinkle in her eyes change the more they danced, and when she had finished by calling him "chéri" he had stood in shock as she had placed kisses on his cheek. He had come to know that she was French and knowing it was just a French custom he tried to let it slide, but something in his gut told him that this was not going as well as he had hoped. He had to do these private sessions, it gave him the extra money and it was expected of him by Regina Mills that the staff would go above and beyond to make the guests happy. But Killian did not deal well with flirts, even if it gave him some extra money.

When Mrs. Gold finally walked out of the studio Killian realized that the time was past 10 o'clock where he was supposed to meet with Emma. He looked outside hoping that she would just have waited nearby until he had finished his session with Mrs. Gold. He groaned when he did not see her anywhere. He picked out his phone and tried to call her, she did not pick up, strange? Then he quickly shot off a text: "Love, I'm sorry the session with Mrs. Gold took a wee bit longer, I'm free until lunch... come when you read this and we can take lunch together at least, hope you see this. Love you. 3 "

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