Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

The next day, Emma was woken by her younger brother who seemed to be filled with energy and just wanted to get going at all the fun and games he apparently already had made plans for.

"Come on Emma, wake up! We're eating breakfast, and then we go to the lake. Dad said I can go kayaking, alone, and then... then we go and play some games and me and dad might go mountain biking in the afternoon, and we need to go swimming too." Leo rambled on and on about all he had planned.

Emma groaned into her pillow. Not even on her summer vacation could she sleep in. "Okay... okay I'm coming. Look, I'm up, so get out of here, you little lion."

Leo shot her a huge grin; he had always loved that Emma called him her little lion. Emma watched the retreating form of her brother. As much as he could be a pain in the arse, he did have a special place in her heart.

She got out of bed, threw on a sweater, and walked out into the kitchen area of the cabin. They had chosen to make their own breakfast while on vacation. The whole family enjoyed quietness in the mornings, and it really didn't matter if you came out to the table in PJs and bed hair. Emma loved the fact that her parents were so down to earth that they could be like this together. They might be slightly rich, but that didn't stop them from spending time together as a family.

Breakfast was eaten, and they all got ready for the day. Emma wore some simple cut-off jean shorts and a summery tank top that hugged her upper body in a way that she knew her mother might not approve of... But hey, she was an adult here, and what if she wanted to look good? Not that she was really looking into anything seriously, not after Neil, but if this summer vacation was going to happen, it would happen with some sort of fun involved. Looking good could never hurt.

Emma walked out to her family and sure enough, her mother did give her a short disapproving glance, but she kept her mouth shut. Emma smiled her thanks and placed an arm around her.

"So, mother, where to next? What is the game plan here... Leo said something about the lake?" Emma asked, and looked at Leo already running ahead of them, while he kept turning around begging them to follow him to the lake. "Are you guys really going to let the little lion go kayaking by himself?"

"No, of course not sweetie, he is only 10! I do believe you have to be 15 or something before you can do it alone..." her mother answered, and then continued, "Your father is going to side paddle with him... at least that is what I think they called it."

Emma nodded. She was not sure kayaking was something she would like very much.

"So, what are we going to do then?" she asked her mother as they came to the lake area. There was a vast grassy area filled with all kinds of lawn games, croquet, Frisbees, and ball games of all kinds, but Emma really didn't want to do anything involving getting sweaty. It was warm out, and she was not much of a sports person.

"Oh, look, they have dress -up over there!" her mother suddenly exclaimed, pulling Emma with her towards what looked like a small stage and tables filled with fabric and costumes.

"Dress up?!" Emma exclaimed as she got closer. Why the f*** would she want to dress up? She thought to herself and then groaned as her mother started rummaging through a random pile of dresses. This could and would not go well. She looked around to see if someone had noticed them. She loved her mother dearly and they did have a pretty good mother-daughter relationship in Emma's opinion, but this was ridiculous and on the verge of becoming embarrassing.

She could see another family also looking at costumes and sighed in relief... until she noticed that they had a small girl around the same age as Leo.

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