Chapter 16

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A/N: So we're finally here... the last chapter... I'm amazed that it had "only" taken me about 2 months to write this...(Looks like my writer's block period is finally over)

It has been a great joy to write this as it has been something that I have had in mind for quite some time now. Got a few other CaptainSwan ideas brewing up in my head... also AU/inspired by another tv show ;) Follow me and you will get an update once I start with that project... (Also have a somewhat original idea brewing that in one way or another have been inspired by some of CaptainSwans history and some pretty awesome songs by Brantley Gilbert... thanks to Timberwolf3706 I found this amazing singer. )

See endnotes about the music/dances in this chapter... enjoy.

Chapter 16

Saturday morning Emma found herself pulled into a flurry of preparations for the talent show this afternoon. Who would have known so much needed to be done before she could be her brother's assistant? For some odd reason, Ruby had taken upon herself to help her with hair and makeup and fussed endlessly with this after they had eaten a quick lunch. Leo had practiced continuously on his tricks and Emma had to smile at his excitement over doing this, and it rubbed off on her own expectations for the show. She found herself looking forward to it, trying to forget that she should have danced with Killian on that very same stage. Killian had sent her a few texts during the morning wishing them good luck.

The talent show was set to begin at 2 o'clock that afternoon and afterward, there would be dinner and dancing. Ruby was finishing up the final touches of Emma's hair, she had made a loose style with a simple braid wrapping around the crown of her head; the rest of her hair hung in loose wavy curls down her back.

When the time came, Emma walked with her family and Ruby up to the hotel auditorium, they found their way behind the stage, leaving their parents to find a seat. Ruby had followed them and when Emma asked what she was doing backstage she had said, "Oh I'm volunteering to help people with hair and makeup as they come back here, just in case someone needs help with anything. It's something I can do without walking around too much. I'll make sure to pop by you before you have to be on stage to fix your hair, just in case." She smiled warmly at her friend, trying to hide her underlying excitement over the fact that Killian would be coming backstage while Emma and Leo were on stage. Ruby had stolen a peek at the show's list of acts and she had let him know what time he had to be there. She would go to the backdoor to let him in, once Emma was safely up on stage, she just hoped they would be able to hide him from Walsh until Emma walked off stage.

Emma nodded and tried to entertain her brother while they waited for the show to begin. He was bouncing off the wall with excitement, and she had to remind him to stay still or he would tumble over one of the other contestants. She scanned the room where they sat; it was fairly large, larger than the backstage area in the Town Hall auditorium she and Killian had danced in two weeks ago. She sighed at the thought of Killian, she fiddled with her phone and shot off a text to him "love you... miss you... wanted you to be here with me, sorry we're not going to dance you."

Killian: "miss you too Swan, we get plenty of opportunities to dance together in the future, remember I'm moving to Boston with you. Wish you both luck with the magic act, your brother will rock the show... wish I could see it." (The text ended in a long row of kisses)

Emma smiled when she read his text, her heart swelled with love as she read the last part, he was already feeling like a part of her family, she thought, and then she quickly called her parents asking them to record their show. They assured her that they already had their phones ready, and was looking forward to seeing their kids on stage together.

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