Chapter 4

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AN: It's a short chapter, but promise you the next one will be up in a short while... and it's a bit longer... tried to replica a famous scene from Dirty dancing, hope it works...?

Chapter 4

Emma spent the next few days pretty much the same way, doing all sort of things with her family and joining a few of Ruby's dance classes. She was not eager to try out the dance class Killian had. She had seen him around the dance studio a few times and exchanged a few pleasantries, but Emma really didn't want to get too close to the man. He was one heck of a fine-looking man for sure, but she honestly didn't need any new romance in her life, not yet.

One evening, Ruby invited her to join her at their employee bar. Emma was surprised that she was even allowed to come to the place. When asked, Ruby explained, "On the record it is not allowed to entertain guests in the employee bar, but no one in this place rats out on things that happens there. We've seen a few guests from time to time, so no worries."

Emma walked with Ruby to the bar, and she saw the crooked homemade sign by the door; someone had called it "The Rabbit Hole." She laughed at this and joked with Ruby, "So we're following the white rabbit now, are we?"

Ruby laughed and shrugged her shoulders. "Honestly I do not know where that name even comes from." She opened the door and led them inside.

The air was heavy with body heat and she cringed at the smell of stale beer hit her nose. Well she had been to a few places worse than this in her college years. It did have atmosphere, that was for sure, and the dance floor was placed right in the middle of things. When Ruby saw her watching the dance floor, she explained over the loud music, "We do like to dance here you know."

The two women walked to the bar and each ordered a rum and coke. The bartender looked a bit crazy, if one asked Emma. She raised a silent eyebrow in question to Ruby once he turned away from them. Ruby waved it off and explained, "That would be Jefferson. He does seem a bit barmy, if you know what I mean, but he is friendly and he makes some killer drinks and runs this place to perfection."

Emma only nodded in understanding, then turned her back to the bar and looked around. She spotted several waiters and other staff members that she had met in the last 5 days she had been in this place. It really was a nice place to have a vacation, she had to admit that.

Killian walked with Will to the staff bar; they both had the evening off and hoped to find some fun up there. It was usually a place to hang out and just have a nice time, even dance a little.

When they walked in, they scanned the room, and Will exclaimed, "Oy, look there mate! The lady Swan is here with our Ruby."

He pointed to the bar, and Killian joked back, "Don't you mean your Ruby, mate?"

Will shot a dirty look towards his friend, then cracked a smile and retorted, "That makes the lady Swan your lass, don't it?"

"Bugger off, mate, she is a bloody guest at the resort. Not sure the Evil Queen would be too happy about me fraternizing with resort guests. You know that, you bloody wanker," Killian shot back and slapped his mate on the arm. They had a secret code for the resort owner Regina Mills. Though she was a fair boss and all, she did tend to have some bossy tendencies from time to time, so the Evil Queen was the name they had picked for her. It had become a game of sorts to give secret nicknames to the staff and even some of the guests, when no one was around.

Before Killian could protest, Will had dragged him over to the bar and greeted the women.

"'ello there lasses, your evening just got better ye know," Will stated smugly. He placed himself next to Ruby and waved to Jefferson for a drink.

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