Chapter 7

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AN: a pretty long one... introducing a few side-characters from OUAT, some might not play any further role than this chapter, just some characters that I really like and one, in particular, who is sometimes overlooked when I read other AU OUAT fics... (a firey redheaded scot ;) ) and then a few of them will come up in future chapters... one, in particular, I do not like, but need him to be "the bad guy" :P

This was fun to write, and I really hope you like this...

Chapter 7

Emma had found out that it was possible to order a picnic lunch take-out from the hotel restaurant. She called Ruby and Killian and let them know she would bring lunch to Ruby's cabin so they could talk costumes and details. Ruby had mentioned that Will might also be there, and Emma reassured her that she would bring food for her British boy. Ruby had laughed at this and prodded, "What about your British boy?"

"Shut up, he is not my anything!" Emma sighed, "I'll see you at lunch..." She hung up and shook her head at the stupid grin that appeared on her face at the mere mention of Killian. Why did she feel like this every time he was mentioned? She shook the thoughts away and walked out to her parents to let them know of her plans for today. Surprisingly enough, her parents were all too happy about the idea.

"That is marvelous idea honey. Better get a head start on the planning. One can never do too much planning," Mary Margaret said with a smile.

"Wow, you're not even upset that I won't join in on all the Nolan family fun and games stuff you got planned for today?" Emma asked in surprise.

"Sweetie, we would love for you to do that, but this is a great experience for you, and we don't want to take that chance away from you," Her mother gave her a strange grin and started to fiddle with the coffee cup in front of her. She was obviously hiding some part of just why she liked the idea of their daughter spending all this time with her new friends.

"Mum, why the change of mind?" Emma asked curiously, eyeing her mother with suspicion.

"Oh you know..." Mary Margaret waved her hand aimlessly in the air, "We just like the fact that you have made some new... eh, friends... and oh, that dance part must be a fun experience for you... that's all." She gave her daughter a sweet smile.

Emma rolled her eyes at her mother's lame excuse, but let it slide, took her breakfast, and talked a little with her younger brother. He had tales to tell of his adventures with his new friends and Emma was happy for him.

Later that morning, she walked up to the hotel and into the lobby to look around. She had not ventured up there in the time they had been there. Her parents had talked about dining a few times at the restaurant, but they had never done so yet. She might have looked a little lost, as she was soon approached by a man from reception. He looked down at her and asked with a plastered-on smile, "Can I help you with anything, Miss?"

"Oh, yes well sure... I was trying to find the restaurant. I want to order a lunch for me and my friends," Emma explained and stepped back a little from the man, as she felt he was in her personal space. The man gave her a half grin when she did this and Emma wrinkled her eyebrows in surprise. What was the deal with this man?

"Of course, it's right this way Miss. And if I can help you with anything else, let me know. My name is Walsh, so anytime you need help, ask for me." His fake polite smile was still stuck to his face while he pointed to the left of the lobby.

"Thank you," Emma said, wanting to get out of there, and fast, not wanting to ask him for more help. The man creeped her out with his too-forward behavior and when he took a tiny step towards her and reached his hand out towards her as if he wanted to touch her, she sidestepped and walked quickly away from him. What was it with men at this place? Everything from creeps like this guy to the two mountain men down by the lake who obviously took some sort of interest in her, and then there was Killian the too-hot dance instructor she was now forced to spend time with. This last thing she actually didn't mind one bit, if she had to be honest. With this in mind, she turned around to look back at Walsh. The man had found his next prey, a couple walking into the lobby. They seemed to have just arrived, since Will Scarlett followed behind them with a baggage trolley.

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