DIRTY Dirty Swan-Dancing

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AN: This is the M-rated version of the last part of chapter 11 of my story "Dirty Swan-Dancing"... this is basically just smut... but the story is set in a similar setting as the movie Dirty Dancing... I put my favorite OUAT ship (CaptainSwan) in the roles of Baby and Johnny... and I hope you can see I tried to copy certain elements of the same scene in the movie... Enjoy

The "Dirty Swan-Dancing" goes on a pirate treasure hunt.

The four friends relaxed and talked for an hour more before Ruby claimed she was tired and wanted to go back to her cabin. Will helped her up from the couch and they said goodbye to Killian and Emma, who remained seated as Killian followed his friends to the door. When he returned Emma had walked to the Bluetooth speaker he had and fiddled with her phone connecting it to the speaker. When the slow music flowed out into the room she turned around with a smile and said, "wanna dance pirate?"

Killian grinned as she walked over to him with a sway to her hips as if she was a pirate wench luring in her pirate. "Aye, with a pretty lass like you, I would dance all night long," Killian growled as he advanced towards her.

They glided together effortlessly and moved into a sensual dance where they both moved with a fierce passion. Both moved closer and closer, Emma slid her hands up his chest; he wore a t-shirt with a deep v-neck giving her a glimpse of curly dark chest hair. With a knowing grin, she ran her fingers through the patch of hair before she circled his neck, pulling herself closer to him.

Killian tried to keep his hands at her hips, but seeing her so openly flirt with him, he gave in and moved his hands up her sides, one resting just below her breast while the other hand moved up and down in a restless manner, then ended on her behind pulling her close. Their hips gyrated closer at each movement and Emma felt her pulse quicken at the intimacy of their movements.

She knew she loved Killian and she knew they both were committed to their new relationship, and with everything that had happened today, she was flying on a cloud and wanted to move things further. When her mind was made up she let her hands slide down his front and tried to pull up his shirt.

Killian tried to focus on the rhythm of the music and the movements of their bodies, but when her searching hands pulled at his shirt he stopped his movements and looked down at her. Her focused eyes and a small determined smile on her lips showed him that she was on a mission.

Emma looked up at him when he stopped dancing when he raised a curious eyebrow she whispered, "make love to me pirate." Her fingernails scraped over his sides as she kept lifting the shirt away from his body. Killian gasped in surprise, not that he hadn't thought about this part of their relationship, but he had not expected her to take that step now.

Emma could see his surprise, and she only tugged a bit harder on his shirt until he relented and raised his arms so she could remove it.

"I want this Killian, no second thoughts, just you and me," Emma breathed out when she finally had access to his fine body. She ran her hand up through the curly chest hair, taking in the fine lines of his well-defined torso.

Killian groaned, "bloody hell, I..." He took a deep breath and finally nodded his head, and with a pirate's growl he claimed, "With pleasure love, get ready to be pillaged and plundered aye." His bad pirate voice made Emma laugh, and when he pounced in on her and kissed her fiercely she felt her heart soar in excitement.

"Easy there, tiger," Emma laughed and pushed him a small distance away from her, and then she placed a finger on his lips, and said, "All in good time pirate." Killian sucked in a breath of air as he looked at her determination. Her eyes held all the love she had for him and she let her eyes and fingers caress his torso. She moved in sync with the music as she let her hand slide over his chest and with alluring movements moved around his body, letting her hand trail a fiery path over his skin.

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