Chapter 12

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AN: Not a very long chapter, but hope you like this "the day after" section... just a wee bit fluffy and some mother/daughter talk. Enjoy...

Chapter 12

The earliest rays of the rising sun peeked through the dusty windows of the cabin and flittered over the couple lying on the bed under the covers. Emma had slept with her head on Killian's chest; the gentle beating of his heart had been a constant calming sound to her sleep all night long. When a small ray of sunlight touched her eyelids she grumbled in annoyance and burrowed her face into his chest, the scent of male musk and the hint of Killian's cologne from the night before tickled her nose. It had been a very long time since she had slept next to anyone, and even in her time with Neal, she had never felt this content and assured of her love for the man next to her. A small smile spread over her face as she began waking up further, her eyes still closed just enjoying the closeness with her love.

Killian had felt her moving and started to wake up too, his mind started to put the pieces from last night together and he could not contain the smile that swept over his face when he recalled their night together. He knew without a doubt what they shared was true, and a love like he had never found anywhere else. In his 25 year-long life he had only found love in very few people, and it had been ages since he had been with anyone like he had been with Emma the night before. This was real and true.

"Morning pirate," Emma had raised her head up and now rested it on one hand while the other lay splayed over his chest, her fingertips drawing an idle pattern through his chest hair.

"Morning, wench," He smirked back and winked, Emma shot him a laugh at his choice of word. She raised her body over his and shook her head making a tsking sound, trying to put on a stern look as she whispered, "Look here matey if ye do not behave I might have ye walk the plank." She knew her pirate accent sucked but the smile it instantly put on Killian's face made it worth the effort.

"It that so, wench, I do seem to recall it was you who was the scallywag last night, doing pillaging and plundering with yer pirate." Killian admonished in his pirate voice. He did a quick movement and flipped her over on her back so he now loomed over her with a feral grin on his lips. Emma felt a shiver run down her body when he looked down at her with hunger in his eyes.

They might have moved at the same time as their lips clashed in a passionate kiss making them both forget time and place. This new adventure distracted them for quite some time and they ended up finding yet another treasure this sunny morning.

In the afterglow of their passion, they rested together and Emma finally asked in a sleepy voice, "What time you supposed it is?" She knew her parents did not expect her to be home, the look her mother had given her the night before had told her that much. But still, she didn't want to let them hang in the unknown, and she knew it would not be such a good idea for her to sneak out of his cabin when more people would be awake.

Killian rolled over and looked at his alarm, "around 7 o'clock love, ye need to get back down to your parents I'm guessing?" His voice was tinged with sadness, but he knew they still needed to be careful about letting the world around them know about them.

"I better do, sorry... I mean who knows how many people will be up and about at this hour." Emma put on a pout at this; she didn't want to leave this heaven of love she had been in with Killian.

"I know love; let's get you dressed, eh?" Killian rolled out of his bed and helped her find her clothes in the scattered piles around the floor.

When Emma was finally dressed he had found one of his sweatshirts and gave it to her, "Here it might be a bit chilly out in the morning."

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