Chapter 9

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AN: next chapter... dress rehearsal and a look at Killian's pirate outfit. And two friends that suspect something is up between Emma and Killian. Enjoy (PS: I'm using the amazing song by Christina Perri, "The words" in this... it really IS my favorite song... (if you've read my story "The words" you know this ;) ) But that whole album "Head or Heart" have pretty much been my music muse through this whole writing process... I simply CAN'T write listening to anything else... believe I've tried... check it out if you haven't heard it... :) )

Chapter 9

Emma woke up with a smile on her lips, her heart skipped a beat when she recalled the day before. She had actually kissed Killian, and more than once. The smile grew as she thought more of what had happened the day before. She might now be ready to acknowledge that she was in love with a man she had known for a week and a half. But the instant connection that had grown between them in their time together had given Emma reassurance that this was real, and she was happy. She tried to keep her face neutral and composed, but her mother's constant raised eyebrows indicated that she failed miserably at this. She merely shrugged her shoulders at her mother's inquiries over her happy face. In the end, her mother gave up with a small huff and Emma could see her father grin into his coffee cup as he eyed his wife's feeble attempts to draw out information from Emma.

When Emma walked outside with her brother, she could hear her father say, "Let her be, sweetheart. She will tell us when she is ready, okay?" Her mother's answer was an audible sigh.

Emma laughed at this, and when her brother asked what was so funny, she answered, "It's nothing kid. What was it you wanted to do this morning?"

Then she was dragged along to an area filled with various lawn games and pulled into several games of croquet where she teamed up with her brother against a mother and her young daughter. She ended up having fun.

She had to drag her brother back to the cabin to grab an early lunch so she could meet with Killian at 1 o'clock. Her mother was strangely quiet during lunch, but she wished her daughter good luck with the practice and busied herself with cleaning up after lunch. Emma shook her head over her mother's weird behavior. She knew her mother wanted to know what was going on in her life, but this thing with Killian she wanted to keep for herself, for the time being.

When she got closer to the studio, she was surprised to hear music. Curious, she walked into the room and could see Killian doing a solo routine in front of the mirror, seemingly in his own little world. She paused and just let herself enjoy the view. And what a view it was. He was dressed in tight dance pants that hugged his legs in a far too sinful way. He also wore a loose white t-shirt with its sleeves cut off, showing his upper arms. Emma really did try to not ogle the man, but it seemed to be far too difficult not to do so, and the thought that this man was harboring feelings for her that ran deeper than friendship was something that she still had to get used to.

Killian did a twirl and finally spotted her by the door. He stopped the second his eyes landed on her and he broke into a wide smile. Emma felt her own face break into an equal broad smile, and she walked over to him. He met her halfway there, and without giving it much thought the two melted together in an embrace that quickly turned into a slow, sweet kiss.

When they finally parted, Killian grinned down at her. "Hello there, love. Missed me, I see." He waggled his eyebrows.

Emma swatted his shoulder and laughed, "So sure of yourself, eh, buddy?"

"Well, since I currently get to kiss the most beautiful lady in all the land, I'm entitled to be a bit smug about how my life is right now." Killian let his hand trail down her face, tilting her mouth towards his, and kissed her again.

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