Chapter 1 ~ Invitation

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~Part One~

22nd of March 1795

~Williams pov~

Staring blankly at the clock in the corner I watched the seconds tick by.

The sound of chatter consumed the room and I rested my head on my palm. Somehow the rest of the class of, 17-year-olds weren't mature enough to wait without rambling like idiots. Of course, it was unusual for us to be waiting this long but ever since our old teacher Mr L/N died a few days ago we haven't had a teacher.

Which was until today, because we were finally getting our new literacy teacher. No one really knew him but they knew he was some relation to Mr L/N. Of course, I wasn't happy, Mr L/N was a great teacher, he was especially kind to me. But despite that everyone else hated him for being boring, but I didn't understand. He, after all, was just doing his job.

"I'm so excited!" My head turned and I looked to a group of girls gossiping behind me. Their faces were flushed slightly and they were giggling. I profusely turned my head and looked back at my parchment listening in on their conversation.

"I can't believe an actual Prince is visiting this school." One of the girls cheered. I furrowed my brow slightly and another girl spoke.

"I know, I heard he's hot on the market if you know what I mean? " The girl giggled. I nauseated slightly and another girl chimed in.

"Apparently his parents are a romantic couple. I bet he'd be quite the Romeo." she snickered. I facepalmed and rested my head on the splintery wood. Prince? Since when are we letting in Prince's into our school? I sighed and turned my head facing the window and felt myself drift off slightly.

"Good afternoon class!" A cheery voice called out and my head shot up to see a man with sandy blonde hair and blue eyes smiling. The class's chatter ceased and the class faced the young man.

"My name is Alfred L/N, Mr L/N's adopted son." He grinned. I stared at him blankly and he sat down the books he was holding in his hands and looked up to the clock. "Well, the lesson is about to end so I guess you guys can ask me some questions." He slid off his jacket and sat down on his desk.

A few hands shot up and Mr Alfred pointed to one of the girls. The smug-looking girl sent back a beaming grin and she melodically spoke.  "How old are you Mr L/N?" Mr L/N looked at her awkwardly and he smiled. "26, turning 27 in June."

The girl nodded and he pointed towards the boy sitting next to me. The boy nodded and he smiled, "Mr L/N you have the same last name as the Queen of England. Did you know that?" He questioned. Mr L/N's face changed slightly and he chuckled awkwardly. "No I did not, but thanks for telling me," he replied. The boy grinned again and Mr L/N pointed to one of the girls behind me.

"Mr L/N do you know what the name of the Prince who is coming here and where he is from?" She asked prissily. Mr L/N grinned slightly and he grabbed a piece of chalk. "Thank you for reminding me young lady, I forgot to inform you but the Prince is actually staying in our literacy class." He replied.

Some of the other students began to talk and the teacher wrote on the board I moved my head slightly see what was being written and then Mr L/N moved away.

Prince Frederick of Wales, heir to the throne of Great Britain.

My eyes widened slightly and the class was silenced.

They were letting the British Prince in our country?

I mentally blanked and the sound of the bell chimed sending us off to lunch. I stared at the board for a straight minute in confusion until my own classmates swept me out. I sighed and looked at my palms and held my messenger bag tighter, walking onto the green turf.

"Will!" My ears pricked slightly and I looked to Hanna and Felix and smiled running up to them. "How was geography class you two?" I smiled.

Hanna's bright green eyes lit up and she nudged Felix's shoulder. "You tell him Feli." Felix glared at her and he flushed red slightly. "You didn't?" I gasped slightly and Hanna nodded holding in her laughter.

"You told Anne you liked her!?" I giggled. Felix cut me off and he dragged me by the collar to a seat in the courtyard. His amber eyes glanced around and he brushed his Auburn hair slightly. "Yeah ok." He then sat down next to me prompting Hanna to do the same. "What did she say?" I eagerly smiled. Felix folded his arms and scoffed. "Nothing, she just walked away." He mumbled.

I chuckled and held my bag tighter. "I wouldn't blame her," I smirked. Felix elbowed me playfully and I sighed staring out at the green grass.

"Anything happen in your class Will?" Hanna grinned. I looked at her and sat my elbows down on my messenger bag. "Well, we got a new teacher for starters. Mr L/N adopted son Alfred and apparently 'Prince Frederick of Wales' is coming here to grace us with his presence." I mockingly stated. Hanna grinned and pulled out a sandwich. "That sounds cool." She smiled blissfully.

I smacked the sandwich out of her hands and pouted, "All the girls in the class are going crazy for him just because he's cute or whatever. I mean the dudes probably insane like his father." I ranted. Hanna glared at me and folded her arms. "Maybe this Prince has more manners than you. That's probably why the girls are going physco for him." She smirked.

I furrowed my brow and leaned back. "Whatever he's like, he doesn't belong here. Especially since he's a brit." I muttered. Hanna giggled and she placed her hand on my shoulder. "Don't worry, besides he's probably engaged." she smiled. I nodded and stared back out at the grass.

Prince Frederick, huh?

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