Chapter 26 ~ Anti Charismatic

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6th of June 1795

~Harris's pov~

Walking down the street, Mr Edward and I were headed around the city. It was our usual morning and as his assistant, I was cursed with having to help with his espionage.

Mr Edward or as back home Prince Edward was on a mission to take back America. It was more of a suicide mission than a successful one but I couldn't argue. I had to follow him around on his exploits.

"Harris." my head looked up to Mr Edward, his hazel eyes glaring down at me. "Yes sir?" I smiled awkwardly. He pointed towards the group of teens we were stalking and I nodded. I ruffled my jet black hair and walked towards the group.

The procedure was easy, listen in and see what they knew and who they were. Of course, we already knew the latter bit as we had bee following the trio for quite a while. William Seabury, the son of the local Bishop was our main focus. As he was the son of Samuel Seabury, a friend of a major political figure and the King's ex-top advisor.

I snaked around a few crates and posts until the trio was in hearing radius. I say down peaking up a bit and began listening in.

"So then we'll meet at the bakery after I've talked to Mr L/N?" William spoke up. The male friend swung his arm over William's shoulder and chuckled, "Sure then, that is if he actually likes your paper." He replied. I shuffled closer and the female friend smiled.

"I'm sure Mr L/N will love it, isn't he big on anti-monarchy," she remarked. My eyes widened and I peeked through a gap in my shelter. The sun poked through the hole and I flinched back slightly. The trio turned around looking at me and I chuckled awkwardly.

"Hey, I know you!" Will yelled out and I got up skittering away. I looked around for a possible hiding spot and quickly ducked over near a crate, I breathed in slowly taking in air as I peeked around for the trio. I sighed and leaned against the crate fiddling with the necklace around my neck.

I opened the pendant on the end and saw the small drawing of my mother. Her jet black hair like mine, her dark brown eyes and a smile that matched mine. I smiled softly and felt a tap in my shoulder. I looked up at Mr Edward and I chuckled awkwardly. "What happened this time?" He asked frustrated. I stood up and fiddled with my necklace nervously.

"They kind of spotted me..." I looked down at my feet and Mr Edward rubbed his forehead. "You really are useless aren't you." he gritted in frustration walking away. I looked down at my necklace again, pretending that my mother was here to comfort me. I sighed slightly and ran up to Mr Edward. He turned his head and glared at me. I smiled slightly and he scoffed turning away.

"Father, why do we have to keep doing this?" I looked up at him. He stopped and glared at me, pushing me into a corner, "I told you not to call me that, your just some illegitimate child." he hissed. I backed up nervously and he pushed himself away from me. I sighed and continued walking after him. I felt the pendant on my necklace hit against my chest and I rubbed the metal in my hands.

If only you were here, Mother.

~William's pov~

"Well, that was weird." Felix scratched his head. "No kidding. Why was that kid spying on us?" I remarked. Hanna shrugged her shoulders and I sighed, "Well we better get going, don't want to be late." Hanna and Felix nodded and we began walking towards the school.

It was slightly colder today but it was still warm enough for the sun to be shining brightly. My skin was slightly burnt from staying outside more lately but I didn't care, in fact, it instead reminded me of Frederick and how pale he was.

He said that his skin was like his father's, very prone to burning. So much that he hardly was ever allowed to stay in the sun for more than half an hour.

In fact, I think I've been thinking about Frederick more and more. I was very curious indeed to see how he was and what he was doing and I haven't heard a word from him. I sighed and I looked ahead to see the school building.

I stepped up onto the steps and climbed up to the entrance. "See you later Will." Felix smiled and I waved at them as they walked towards a different classroom. I looked around at the slightly chipped bricks that made up the school and walked under the archway towards Mr L/N classroom.

I looked at the clock hanging from a pole in the centre of the courtyard and saw that I was almost 30 minutes late. I panicked slightly and sprinted toward the classroom. I opened the door and the whole class was staring back at me. "Hello Mr Seabury, have you decided to join us a bit later again?" Mr Alfred glared at me playfully. I glanced away awkwardly and he turned back to the board.

I quickly shuffled to my desk and took my notebook out. I scribbled down the notes on the book. The bell prompt rang and I sighed. "Will, Sarah, James and George could you all stay here please." Mr L/N Announced. I nodded along with the others and closed my book as the rest of the class flooded out. Mr L/N moved towards the middle and smiled, he leaned against a desk and I looked at him intently. "Well then, all of your papers are going to be published in the school newspaper. Do any of you not want their paper to ve published?" He questioned. Everyone stayed silent and he smiled. "Well, that's all I need now you can all go except for William." He smiled. They nodded and I stayed still.

Mr Alfred smiled down at me and handed me a letter. "I really liked your essay Will and I think you should consider this." I looked at the letter oddly as Mr Alfred walked away. The envelope was bone white and with a seal of a bishop chess piece on the front and in all capital letters, a phrase was written.

Mors ad coronam

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