Chapter 29 ~ Love's More Of A Curse

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23rd of June 1795

~Frederick's pov~

Walking down the halfway I hummed to myself. Breathing in the cold air of the morning as I sighed. I was off to go fetch Matilda. For reasons that I was sure had something to do with another suitor.

It always was, every time my father asked me for an errand it was to do with finding Matilda a husband. Something about how much he wanted all of us to get married and have children of our own, scared me. Maybe it was the joy it brought to him, or maybe it was to get rid of the competition. Because in my father's eyes everyone was trying to steal my mother away from him. And un the years I knew him it only had become more and more apparent.

But besides that, it was going to be the same result. Matilda had no interest in getting married and to ward of suitors she'd challenge them with a task of her choice, she usually picked and arm wrestle.

Either because all the Prince's in Europe were weak snobs or the fact that she found joy in breaking their wrists, ankles and egos. But it didn't bother me, as much as my sister was like my father she was never one for romance.

She instead found solace in more practical things like astronomy and biology. She was the type of woman my father hated. The type who didn't need a husband.

Of course, I still had to call her downstairs even though I was certain she'd beat this Prince from Germany. So I did my usual path of heading towards the room where she and June would play chess. Walking up a set of stairs and to the familiar door.

I stood still and knocked on the door. The sound of wood being tapped on made my hand coil back and I stood staring still at the door.

The door quickly opened and I looked at Matilda. "What is it?" she looked at me slightly irked. I chuckled and walked inside. "Playing chess again?" I looked at June and then at Charles who was holding a duck.

"Wha? Charles why are you out of bed and why do you have a duck?" I looked at him confused. Charles grinned and walked closer to me holding the duck. "I've been feeling better so Dad gave it to me." I looked at him weirdly and the duck quacked. "What is its name?" I glanced sideways awkwardly.

My brother pat the duck and shrugged his shoulders, "Beats me, dad said that we'll name it later." he explained. I chuckled slightly and Matilda sat back down. "So then Freddy why are you here?" She questioned. I looked at her and sat down at the table.

I smiled over at June and sighed, "Dad has another suitor he wants you to meet. A prince from Germany or something." I explained. Matilda sighed and moved her chess piece. "Seriously, again?" She stood up and smiled cracking her knuckles.

"Ok then who's wrist do I have to break this time?" she spoke enthusiastically. I scoffed and Charles stood up. "Can I and the duck meet him as well?" he questioned. I nodded and June stood up. "I might as well come to." She linked arms with me and we both grinned,

This will be fun.

~Matilda's pov~

The four of us all walked down the hall, well five of you included Charles' duck.

We were all headed towards the throne room where my father had my next victim or 'suitor' as he likes to say. I never liked anyone and to be frank romance and marriage was always at the bottom of the list. There is was no point in marriage besides securing alliances and producing children, I would gain nothing and be left unhappy.

But my father didn't care, he thought that everyone should get married and have children. He wanted to see me, get married and bear children of my own. I didn't want any of that, so I did what I could. Challenge these egotistical suitors to tasks to deter them.

Whatever it took I just wanted more in life, I don't care if this Prince is the most gorgeous man in Europe, I don't want to get married. So my plan was simple, keep harming these Princes and eventually, they'll either give up or Europe will run out on single Princes with their arms unbroken.

"You scared?" I snapped out of my scheming and looked at June who was pale-faced. "Tsk, no. Trust me June, I'll snap this dudes arm and we'll be done." I explained. June smiled and Frederick stopped in front of the door.

"Horray, we're here." I sarcastically smiled. Frederick scoffed playfully and motioned for the guards to open the door. The guards nodded and the large, ornamental door swung open to a group of people.

I sighed and we walked inside smiling innocently. My father turned to us excitedly and grabbed my arm pulling me towards the group. He stopped just before the group and looked at me. "Matilda, I have found you a really good husband. He's from Germany and likes astronomy like you." He whispered. I looked at him unamused and he pouted.

"Tilly, can you please give him a chance?" He begged. I looked at him and sighed, "Fine." My father smiled and dragged me towards my mother and two other people.

I looked at the two people and saw an older looking man and a man who looked about Frederick's age. My father pulled his arm around my shoulders and smiled.

"Prince Henrich, this is my daughter Princess Matilda." My father grinned. Prince Henrich smiled and took my hand placing a kiss on it. "Pleasure to meet you, Your Highness." He smirked. His brown eyes fixated on mine and I flinched pulling my hand away.

He chuckled and my father squeezed my shoulder harder as he gestured Charles and Frederick to come. The two made their way to us and My father grinned. "These are my sons Frederick and Charles." he smiled. Henrich grinned brightly and bowed. Frederick smiled slightly and Charles held out his duck in front of Henrich.

"Prince Henrich can you pat my duck." He smiled. Henrich smiled again even brighter and stroked the ducks head. Charles chuckled and looked at Father smiling, "Dad the duck likes him, he'll be good for Matilda!" He exclaimed.

I scoffed and moved forward towards Heinrich. "You probably know the drill so let's get this over and done with," I spoke and started to walk over to the table. My father put his arm in front of me and looked at me, "Matilda, please." He scolded me. I looked at him annoyed and Henrich smiled. "It's fine your majesty. If your daughter requires me to do something I will." He spoke calmly. My father sighed and moved his arm away letting me get to the table.

Henrich and I walked towards the table and say down on each side. "Arm wrestle then?" I glanced at him. He stayed silent and nodded smiling brightly. I scoffed and we both put our arms out. "So basically if you win you get my hand in marriage, blah blah." Henrich nodded and his hand clasped mine and we both looked at each other. "On the count of three," I explained and Henrich nodded.




I applied pressure and felt Henrich push back. I struggled slightly and saw Heinrich's expression of joy. I looked around frantically and tried to apply more pressure. I felt my other hand rise up and move towards my other hand in aid. But before it could even place a finger on it, Henrich pinned it down and grinned.

"No cheating your Highness." he chuckled and I felt my face go pale. His arm pushed even further and my hand was closer than it ever was to the ground. I tried to push harder but the margin between my hand and the table became slimmer. Everyone around me huddled closer and soon my hand hit the table.

"No!" I gasped and Henrich smiled. "W-we have to go again I didn't do it properly." I stuttered. My father grabbed my shoulders gently and smiled. "Matilda you have to be true to your word," he whispered. I looked at Henrich who was smirking and felt my face drop.

I wasn't getting married.

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