Chapter 7 ~ All Those Years Ago

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24th of March 1795

~William's pov~

I glared across at my parents, my arms folded and my gaze affixed. Both of them were gazing slightly at me, all while avoiding me direct stare.

"So then, Mom, Dad. I have approximately 30 minutes before school. So I'd like you to tell me wtf happened all those years ago." I demanded. My mother looked at my father nervously and my father sighed. He placed his elbows upon the table and leaned his head against his palms. "Well then son, of you're that eager I guess you should know the truth. But I think it'll take a little bit longer than 30 minutes." He explained. I glared deeper and he coughed slightly into his balled fist. "Very well then." he reached into his pocket and grabbed a small key.

"Imagine this for me, William. It's 1776, you're 23, a very creative yet reserved single woman who is looking for adventure. You live in the English countryside with both your parents and have a relatively normal life." he spoke. I nodded and he continued.

"But one day when your cousin arrives and your at dinner your father tells you that your uncle from America had hired you to spy on the King. Now you being eager, you agree and both you and your cousin go to Windsor." He explained. I furrowed my brow, "How does this-" My father cut me off and I leaned back. He glared at me and my mother gazed away with pain.

"Anyway as I was saying. You now were employed by the King, serving as his personal maid, all while trying to find out what the enemies tactics were. But you weren't alone you had your cousin and a friend of the King. Together you worked until one day the friend of the King had to leave. Leaving you and your cousin alone with the King."

My father's gaze shifted. "Now while all of this was happening, you didn't notice that the King had fallen in love with you. Instead, you try to escape fearing he had found out about your escape. But on that faithful night, he catches you and he proposes to you. And him being King you could only say yes. So then you and the King get married. You and him do the do and you're now pregnant with his son."

My eyes widened slightly, "Wait Frederick?" I questioned. My father nodded and I turned my gaze back to my mother who was red-faced. My father tapped my shoulder and I turned back to him.

"So now you're pregnant. But good news the King's Friend is back. Your excited and you, your cousin and the King's now old friend are now planning your escape. You wait and months until May 3 1777, you give birth to your son and the plan begins. You wait a couple of days and then you get your chance. There is a disturbance downstairs and your husband is summoned. Knowing that you were finally free you smiled."

I looked at my father and he looked back at my mother. There was a slight melancholy to the atmosphere. My father breathed in again and he rubbed his temple.

"But before you could smile, the King grabs his son and you now knew you had no choice. You couldn't leave your baby boy with a monster like the King. You sighed and asked to follow the King downstairs. He smiles and for the next two years you were completely submissive to him."

I looked at my father and he stood up, "Is that it? Dad, what happened next?" I questioned. My father chuckled slightly and he looked at the clock. "You better go to school son." he smiled. "But dad?" I groaned. My father placed his hand on my shoulder and slung my bag around my shoulders.

"Son, I'll explain the rest tomorrow. You need to go to school, but in the meantime I want you to think about what I told you okay?" He instructed me. I nodded and held my bag tighter. I began to walk out but stopped and smiled at my parents walking. They smiled back and I ran into my sister.

"Will!" she glared at me and folded her arms. I glanced at her awkwardly and she tiptoed trying to appear taller. "What took you so long you're taking me to school today." she pouted. I sighed slightly and opened the door. "Sorry, Your Majesty." I mocked her and she strutted out the door. I followed her and looked behind at the house.

We began walking towards Jane's school and she looked at me again. "Don't be late next time William." she scolded me and turned around. I rubbed my temple and sighed turning around towards my school.

I was a bit late but it didn't bother me. I continued down the street and was met with the same school building I arrived at every day. I sighed again and started walking up the steps.

Even with my father's 'excellent' story/ explanation, I still had no idea about what happened all those years ago.

But one thing I did know was that my parents were more than a normal couple who had lived here all there lives.

I was scared to admit it, but I was more involved with Frederick than being his second cousin. And being involved in something that you had no idea about. Wasn't the best thing to know.

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