Chapter 18 ~ Back And Forth

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13th of April 1795

~Frederick's pov~

I stared down at my feet. Taking each step faster than the other. I was tired, confused and guilt-ridden but somehow I felt relieved.

I was alive. I had people who were willing to help me and that far outweighed any negative feeling. I smiled and stared up at the sky, it was overcast today. Grey clouds swarmed the sky and small droplets of rain began to fall.

It reminded me of back home. How miserable it was, and how fake it felt. I was happy to be here even though it wasn't my home. I looked behind at Samuel and William who were walking behind me. I smiled back softly without them noticing and turned my attention forward.

We were close to their house, the pathway leading towards it was now in sight. I smiled slightly and walked ahead eagerly. The bushes and shrubs that surrounded the pathway and the forest that bordered it were thicker than usual. I looked down again at my feet and saw an odd amount of footprints.

I adjusted my brow slightly and looked up ahead confused. The sound of footsteps behind me ceased. I turned my head and a saw that Samuel and William were gone. Confusion plagued me, I moved my head slightly adjusting to see where they were.

"Guys?" I mumbled slightly. But no one responded. My ears pricked up a bit and the familiar sound of footsteps sounded again. I felt a hand tap my shoulder and I looked to see a man in a red coat.

"Your Highness there you are!" The man sounded almost relieved. I smiled awkwardly, "Yes, what's wrong?" I questioned. The man gave me an equally awkward look and put his arm around my shoulder leading me towards the house. I looked at him oddly and then looked ahead at the group of soldiers. One of them ran up to us and smiled.

I smiled again and he looked towards the man leading me. "Very well then Jenkins, we best be going." He smiled. I looked at him awkwardly and pried myself off the other man. "What do you mean?" I questioned. The older man smiled slightly, "Home."

"Home? But I'm not due to return for another month?" I argued back. The man's smile faded and he pulled out a piece of paper. "Your father wants you back home immediately, he has ordered us to retrieve you, Your Highness," he explained. I looked at him confused, "Why though?" I questioned.

The man sighed and shrugged his shoulders, "I wouldn't have a clue, he just told us to get you." He replied. I furrowed my brow and sighed, "Well tell my father that I want to stay." I spoke and started to head up the stairs leading towards the door. I felt a hand pull on my arm and the older man looked at me.

"Where are you going?" He interrogated me. I looked at him slightly shocked and tried to move my arm. "I'm not going with you!" I yelled. The older man's face became deeper he pulled my arm tightly and motioned for the other soldiers.

The soldiers moved towards me, one of them was holding a rope in his hands. The older man held my arms behind my back and sighed with frustration. "Your father warned us about you. Your just as stubborn as your mother was." The man struggled. I looked at him confused and the man with the rope wrapped it around my waist.

"Hey stop!" I called out still wriggling. The man sighed again and looked behind him. "Get the cloth, Percy." He called out. My eyes widened and I tried pushing my feet up to force myself out of their grip. The man held me tighter and I continued thrashing around.

"I swear to God his Highness wasn't wrong. The Prince is putting up quite a fight." he joked. The other men chuckled slightly and I clenched my fists. "William! Samuel!" I yelled out desperately. The older man chuckled and pushed me towards the ground. "Yelling isn't going to help your Highness so I'd advise you to stop." he lectured me. I scoffed slightly and felt the rope chafe slightly, I closed my left eye to avoid the mud from the ground I was pressed against getting into it. I struggled harder and felt droplets of water fall on my face. The cold stinging feeling started and I closed my other eye.

Now only darkness filled my view. I felt arms pull me up and I opened my eyes again. The man who was called to get a cloth was standing in front of me with a bottle in one hand and a cloth in his other.

"Be careful with that stuff Percy. Only a bit." The older man explained. "Yes, Captain," Percy replied and poured the unknown liquid onto the cloth. I moved back slightly and Percy's hand moved towards my mouth. My eyes widened slightly and the cloth smothered my face.

I breathed in the strong smell, a chemical like scent that made my lungs feel numb. I felt my eyelids slowly close and my head weaken with every breath.

I don't want to go home.

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