Chapter 24 ~ And The Conspiracy Begins

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5th of June 1795

~William's pov~

I stared out the window bored. Everything was as it was. Normal. The hand in the clock going by eating at each second while the sound of ink being scratched onto paper echoed through the room.

Mr L/N or Mr Alfred as he puts it was walking around eyeing our pages carefully. My paper was decently filled, the loose yet small cursive handwriting which I prided myself upon. The essay was basically about an issue or idea that you strongly believe in. Mine was something that had affected me for a while now.

It was that all monarchies should be abolished or at least reduced to a mere puppet. Of course, now in our present day the king, of at least England's power has been reduced but the fact that he can easily command a kidnapping sent shivers down my spine. I wanted not only help the people crushed between the grip of power but the generations ahead that were cursed with being leaders.

Marriages, families and finances all controlled and made to show the people they were strong. But they weren't, they are weak people heeded by their own blood and cried upon by the masses. I wasn't doing them harm but rather help, power wouldn't reside to chance but instead ambition.

The ones who thirsted for power would be the ones to rule. Helping everyone with passion and not the selfish desires of one's self. Because I saw what power forced upon like destiny is like. Frederick didn't want to be King as much as he wanted to just exist.

I wanted to find or influence a way to topple this ancient and long tradition of putting people on pedestals. I wanted my cousin to be happy and I wanted to feel safe.

"William." My head turned from my page and Mr Alfred was looking back at me. His baby blue eyes somewhat intimidatingly yet gently glaring at me. "Are you finished?" He smiled. I looked down at the paper and quickly scanned it. My hand moved over the paper picking it up and handing it to Mr Alfred. He smiled and pushed his hair back slightly. "Thank you." He walked away and my attention directed towards the window.

It was the normal view, a handful of people walking around and the rows of buildings surrounding them. The sounds of chairs scraping against the ground echoed through the room and a few kids stood up facing Mr Alfred. I rolled my head onto my palm and directed my eyes towards Mr Alfred.

"Thank you all for the lesson, I will be reading these tonight and publishing a few in the school paper as promised. I'll be calling the kids whose paper's, I enjoyed the most to my office tomorrow for other details." He explained. Everyone nodded and he looked towards the clock. "We have a few minutes so you can all talk amongst your selves for the time being," he explained.

We all nodded again and chatter soon became more apparent. I stood up swinging my bag over my shoulder and sighed turning around to see everyone happy and talking with others. Now loneliness and guilt was settling in.

I really missed Frederick.

~Later on~

"Come on Will!!!!!" Felix groaned. I rolled my eyes and jogged up beside him and Hanna. Felix chuckled and pushed out his hands to stretch. "I'm so tired from that stupid lesson. Our teacher made us go and interview random people on the streets." He groaned. I looked at him oddly turning around.

"Why exactly?" I questioned him. Felix moved his arms behind his head and shrugged, "Beats me, apparently it's for 'Social skill' development or something." He lazily spoke. I sighed and looked at Hanna who had a book in her hands. "What's that?" I pointed towards the book. Hanna closed it and chuckled awkwardly. "Nothing." I furrowed my brow but brushed it off. "Oh well let's go then." I stretched my leg out and we continued towards the bakery.

We walked together down the usual path all the way towards the bakery. It was quite late in the afternoon but the sun was strong, I shielded my eyes slightly as we passed through a gap in the buildings. I could see the view of the city, it was quite the same as the view from before. I smiled slightly at the sight, something about this always made me feel so much better. I felt the gaze of Felix and Hanna wash over me and I looked at them fazed. "It's good to see you smiling." Hanna grinned.

I smiled back brighter and looked off into the distance. "I guess it's better to just focus on the good things," I replied. Hanna smiled, her green eyes shining. She pushed a lock of her wavy chocolate brown hair and Felix skipped up onto the step of the bakery.

"Winnnnner!!!" He enthusiastically jumped up and opened the door. "What do you mean 'winner'? We didn't agree to a race." I glared at Felix. Felix chuckled, swinging around. His auburn hair moving around in wafts, "Oh well I win anyway." Hanna face-palmed like usual and she stepped into the shop as well. I looked around and Mrs Clarke ran towards us shutting the door.

"Mrs Clarke are you okay?" I questioned. Charlotte turned around and quickly pulled me over towards the window as she shut the blind. "See those two people they've been spying on me." She whispered. I looked at her oddly and she pulled us near the counter.

I looked back quickly and Charlotte looked at me oddly. "What are you doing William?" She questioned. I looked closer and recognised the two people standing near the bakery. "It's that dude who was hanging around Oliver and Ben's house. The older dude told me his name was Edward or something." I explained.

Charlotte's eyes widened and we looked at her oddly as she frantically moved around the kitchen. "I need to tell your father straight away." She muttered under her breath. I looked at her even more confused and so did Felix and Hanna. Mrs Clarke grabbed her coat from the counter and promptly sprinted out the door.

Felix cough awkwardly and I walked towards the window looking at the man. His hazel eyes staring back at me. Something was so off-putting about him. I shifted closer and noticed the clothes he was wearing. The trims of gold and fancy silk were familiar to me.

This Edward person had something to do with Frederick, and with my certain circumstances that wasn't good news.

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