Chapter 35 ~ Here Ye

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31st of June 1795

~William's pov~

"I can't do this. What happens if someone at school sees me?" I whispered. My father smiled and pat my shoulder. "Trust me, son, I've done this before with much worst results. You should be fine," he replied. I looked at him and slowly backed away.

"I'm not doing this-" I freaked out. My father sighed and blocked me from moving away, "Remember who you're doing this for?" He remarked. I looked at him and smiled awkwardly, "I'm sure Frederick's fine, being King is great isn't it?" I stuttered. My father sighed and he grabbed me by the collar dragging me towards the platform. I frantically tried to wriggle myself out of his grasp but he didn't let go.

I pushed my feet slightly against the ground and soon my father pushed me onto the platform and handed me the piece of parchment. I tried to get up and run away but a crowd had already formed around. I felt my stomach drop and I looked around trying to find an escape route.

I then felt someone nudge me and I stumbled onto the platform. The crowd soon looked towards me and I felt their glaring stairs on me. "Oh, shit-" I cursed under my breath as I panicked once again onto the platform. I sighed slightly and looked out at the small crowd.

My knees felt weak and my hands were shaking as I brought the piece of paper closer to the face. I took another breath and looked at the first sentence. I quickly walked back up a big and began speaking.

"Hello, dear ladies and gentlemen. My name is William Seabury and I'm here to um-" And froze up and looked down at the page avoiding the stares of the confused onlookers. I took a deep breath and shakily continued. "Give intelligent folk like you, the knowledge of why the current system of monarchy used in other nations is a danger to the common people and their leaders." I nervously spoke.

My father gave me an encouraging smile as my eyes quickly gazed across the crowd. I smiled slightly and continued. "For years we spirited people were in the clutches of tyranny by such foul leaders. But when we used the spirit that this heartless regime used to oppress us, our nation and people improved by revolting against these fake gods. But in other places, things have not changed. People in those nations are suffering, barely any power is given to the righteous and only the filthy greed of nobility and royalty indulge themselves.

Is this fair!?"

I emphasised as I tried to louden voice. My father smiled again as if he was slightly embarrassed and I felt anxious. "No!" Someone soon called out and my head looked up from my paper.

A group of people were smiling back at me while holding their thumbs up. I smiled slightly and my eyes directed towards my father. He nodded and I continued. "If you, agree with me that the idea of monarchy is flawed and that you only believe in the true God, I beg you, intelligent people, to enquire and join 'Mors ad coronam'. So that together we can bring an end to this horrible institution." I finished off the sentence and looked up from the paper to see and hear the crowd clapping modestly. I smiled slightly and I soon started to walk off the wooden planks with slightly more confidence than I began with.

I smiled slightly and saw my father who was looking at me confidently. He chuckled and put his arm around my shoulder. "See told you it would be fine." He smirked. I sighed and handed him the piece of paper. "I guess but I'm never doing that again." I declared. My father chuckled and moved his arm away as he folded the piece of paper.

"Well then, suit yourself."

~Oliver's pov~


"Heard that."

"Samuel that's not how you use commas."

"Wow King, please keep your intimate life out of the letters."


My eyes fixated slightly and I looked down at the page. "Odd, I don't remember this letter," I muttered slightly and pushed the other pieces of paper away. I didn't expect that but yet I found something different. Searching through letters was usually just for finding any hidden drama that Samuel had but this letter looked different.

Usually, he would read the reply 'King' sent us, but this letter didn't sound familiar at a first glance. I felt slightly confused but more than less cheated and betrayed. I know Samuel wasn't entitled to read out every reply, but knowing made the anxiety of being involved in treason less, overwhelming.

I sighed and quickly picked up my reading glasses. I turned around on my chair and began reading the letter.

Dearest, Bishop

Before we can discuss the next matter in our plan, I would like to thank you. You have done your part of the plan successfully and I am ready to initiate the next move.

I originally intended on murdering him straight up but as his suspicion in me has grown in the past few days, my choice is limited to another.

But for now, we are winning, with his spirits low and my son's as well soon we can end this cycle. I'm looking forward to returning and being free, but in the meantime wait.

Sincerely, King

I looked up from the black words scattered across the page and felt the feeling of betrayal worsen.

"H- Ben! Can you come here!?" I yelled out. "Okay!" Ben replied calling out and I scribbled some words down. This wasn't the plan, King was going too far. They were being reckless, and if they continued we'd be found and killed. I felt a strange anxiety awaken in me and I breathed in shakily. Soon the sound of Ben opening the door pricked in my ears and my head turned towards him. "Yes, Ollie?" He smiled. I looked at him slightly glaring and I gestured for him to come closer. I held out the letter and he began reading it.

"You can't be-" He stuttered and I nodded grabbing the letter back. "Well, what are we going to do?" Ben questioned. I stood up and folded the letter as I slid on my jacket. "Well we're going to go ask Samuel a few questions," I explained. Ben looked at me oddly standing up as well. "What do you mean by that exactly?"

I looked at him and smiled staying silent. "Don't worry, we'll both find out soon."

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