Chapter 11 ~ Held Accountable

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3rd of April 1795

~Frederick's pov~

I stood still and stared ahead at the pair. The older man had greying black hair and the young boy had whispy auburn hair. My pupils dilated slightly and Will cursed under his breath.

"Stay very still." The man glared at us and Hanna moved closer towards us. "I wasn't expecting people of your class to be lurking in the backstreets but who knows?" he grinned slightly. I shivered slightly and the man's eyes locked into me.

"Mr Fancy here, your jacket looks very expensive. Mind giving it here." he pointed the pistol towards me and I nodded easing of the jacket. Will glared around and his breath faltered. "Who are you?" he questioned. The man looked at him and scoffed, "None of your business." Will scattered slightly and I extended my arm out towards the man. He smirked and grabbed the jacket handing it to the younger boy.

He scanned us again and the boy tapped his shoulder. "What is it, Thomas?" He mumbled. The boy, Thomas showed him the gold stitching of my name and the man's devilish grin widened.

"Well, well. What is a prince doing here?" He chuckled. I shifted slightly and he pointed the gun closer to my head. "You must be the oh so great Prince Frederick of Wales everyone was talking about." He snarkily spoke. I backed away further and he chuckled again. "I find it so fooling that people trust someone like you in our country. I still can't forgive what you idiots have done to our country." he gritted his teeth.

My eyes widened slightly and Will pushed me away putting himself in front of me. I stumbled backwards and Felix and Hanna held me slightly.

"Stay away from him!" Will hissed back and the man gave him an annoyed look. "Why are you defending him, child. These very people are the reason so many have died including my son!" He yelled. Will scoffed and he moved closer to the man. "You aren't game enough to shoot me, and I know that for a fact. Frederick isn't the same people who killed your son." He argued back.

The man's eyes narrowed and he pushed Will, "I'm sorry son but you don't understand." Will fell to the ground and the man approached me. His grin was wide almost unsettling, it reminded me of my father's grin, only with the intention to kill. I scattered back and I felt a cold metal held against my head. Felix tried to pull me hard and I closed my eyes.

I felt my heart pounding in my chest and my mind scattered over thoughts of my family. If I died at this very moment it would leave my sickly brother next in line. My death wasn't just my family's despair but Britain's. I breathed in slightly trying to hold in air. The man chuckled and I braced for the blast.

It was the end.

"Put down the gun." my eyes reopened and I looked to my right seeing a man with shoulder-length brown hair holding Thomas by the collar, and pointing his gun against his head. The man holding the gun turned and froze looking at the man.

The brown-haired man walked towards us and Thomas struggled slightly against his grip. "Harming the Prince? I'm sorry Mister but unless you want another war I suggest you put down your weapon." The brown hair man demanded. The older man froze and he glared at the younger man. "Fine, just don't hurt my son." He breathed in slightly and dropped the gun and jacket. The other man smiled slightly and pushed Thomas towards him. The man bowed down slightly and the younger man grinned.

"Now please run along, I would advise you leave before I call the authorities," he smirked. The man nodded and skittered away with the boy. The younger man smiled and turned to Will. "Now Mr Seabury what are you and the Prince doing in this part of town?" he asked. Will rubbed his head slightly and he gazed away slightly. "We just wanted to take a short cut, Mr Hamilton," he replied.

I looked towards Mr Hamilton and he placed his hand on my shoulder. "Now Prince Frederick, I guess I should escort you to school then." he smiled. I nodded awkwardly and Mr Hamilton smiled, "You don't know who I am, do you?" he chuckled. I nodded awkwardly and he smiled looking at Will. "Alexander Hamilton at your service Frederick." he smiled and extended his hand. I smiled slightly and grabbed his hand. Mr Hamilton shook it and he grabbed my jacket off the ground. He handed it to me and I grinned awkwardly. He grabbed my shoulder and we started to walk out.

I looked at Will whose face was one of fear and I smiled over at him. He grinned slightly and Mr Hamilton patted my back slightly. "So how's your mother?" he questioned. I looked at him slightly and smiled, "Great, do you know her?" I questioned.

Alexander looked off in the distance and smiled. "You could say that." he chuckled. I smiled again and we approached the school building. Mr Hamilton paused and he turned facing the four of us he looked over at William and sighed. "Now you four, next time don't go through the backstreets unless you want to be shot." he lectured us.

We all nodded and he chuckled patting my shoulder. "Stay safe Frederick. Come home to your mother alive." he smiled. I nodded and Mr Hamilton started to walk away. I looked over at him and Will grabbed my shoulder. I looked back at him and smiled brighter. Felix yawned and he grabbed the letter out of Will's pocket. Will flinched away and Felix jumped up running towards the stairs.

"Now to give this to my love!" he cried out. Hanna, Will and I collectively facepalmed. I looked over at my friends and felt my heart fill. There was something strange about being like this.

But I wasn't complaining.

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