Chapter 31 ~ The Way The Wind Blows

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23rd of June 1795

~William's pov~

Closed curtains, a lit lamp and me. For days I had been writing and writing. Essays, speeches and other writings. So many things I wanted to say and little time. Ever since I had joined my father's association, I strived to do my best.

Holding my quickly slightly and scribbling words upon the paper my mind raced around as combinations of words and ideas wondered in my mind. From the imbalances of power to the absolute hypocrisy, I wrote all my arguments down. It was my part of the project that the organisation had been planning.

The genius of a leader whose name was never spoken.

I mean it wasn't completely unknown, but the name I knew was just an alias. Because, for obvious reasons, the actual king of any country couldn't be the leader of an anti-monarchy society but the name still provoked a certain suspicion. Who exactly could this 'King' person be?

It puzzled me but it wasn't my main priority, it was instead to help this cause and to change lives. People like Frederick who will finally be free.

"Will!" I dropped my quill in shock and looked at my father. "Yess-" I chuckled slightly. My father sighed and walked up to my curtains pulling them away. "Hey!" I shielded my eyes as the sunlight from outside leaked in. My father sighed in frustration and lifted my arm up. "You need a break son, you've been writing for so long." He scolded me. I looked at him and pouted.

"Just one more essay." I groaned as he dragged me out of my room. My father rolled his eyes and reached out for my desk again. Jane walked out of her room and looked at me taking a bite of the cookie in her hand.

"Looks like Mr Writing stuff is finally out of his room." She chuckled. I glared at her and my father grabbed my arm even tighter as we neared the door. I tried fighting back, but I was too fatigued to even struggle.

My father swung open the door and then promptly pushed me out. I stumbled slightly onto the pathway and looked at my father. "Go and socialise my child!" He called out. I looked at him oddly and he slammed the door.

My eyes widened and I blinked. I just got looked out of my own house. I stood up slightly and sighed as I looked around. For some reason after a while of staying inside for an extended period of time, the world seemed so peculiar.

I felt the breeze of the afternoon blow past me and I smiled slightly. I scanned around, enamoured at the sight of people smiling.  I knew why I wanted to be part of the organisation, not for my own sake but for everyone else's.

"Harris!" my head turned around and I saw the suspicious Edward person. I quickly scanned around for a hiding spot and slotted myself near a tree. I peeked my head through slightly and saw the two distant figures talking again. The younger boy, Harris whispered something to Edward and a small yet familiar smile crept across his face. My eyes fixated on him and only one thought lingered in my mind.

What were they up to?

~Charles's pov~

Patting Henry I looked at the window bored. It was what I normally did, staring out and seeing all the fun I was missing out on.

Now, of course, I could go play with Frederick and Matilda, but ever since yesterday they've been ignoring the rest of us. I had no idea why but yet that was how it always was.

Being the youngest, no one ever told me anything about what was happening. And if they were to it would always be dumbed down. I hated this but they were my family. They may not be the best of people but they're my blood.

"Quack." I smiled and patted Henry again. Henry was a very nice friend, of course, I did have human friends like Alexi and Lily but father hardly let then visit. So Henry was my only choice in companionship. He may not be able to talk but at least he was there, quacking and ruffling his feathers as he laid in my lap.

"Do you think I should go talk to someone, Henry?" I sighed. Henry quacked and I nodded. "I guess but Frederick has been really reserved lately as well as Matilda," I replied. Henry quacked louder and I patted him.

"You must be hungry." I quickly lifted Henry of my lap and walked towards my desk. I pulled out the bottom drawer and scanned through, looking for his food. Soon my hands managed to scape up some grains and I walked towards Henry. I opened my palm and Henry began pecking the pieces of grain out. I chuckled slightly and my eyes wandered around the room.

I looked towards the left side of my room and saw the portrait of my father that always sat there. I smiled slightly and an idea popped into my mind. "Henry stay here I'm going to talk to my dad." I spilt the rest of the grains on the window sill and Henry quacked. "Don't worry I'll be back." I smiled and rushed out of the door.

I ran quickly up the stairs and corridor until I reached my parents' room. I walked towards the door and my pale hand knocked gently against the door. "Dad are you there?" I waited patiently and the door soon opened to my father who's face looked miserable.

My stomach became uneasy and I hugged my father as soon as he was about to speak. "Charles? What's wrong?" he spoke softly. I looked up at him and smiled slightly. "I was worried about you, "I replied. My father's expression changed and he opened the door wider as he led me in. He wiped away a few tears streaming through his eyes and I smiled again slightly.

My father sat me down on his bed and he hugged me slightly. "Charles, if you found out that I did something bad a long time ago would you hate me?" He questioned softly. I looked at him confused and smiled. "No, I mean I'd be disappointed but I wouldn't hate you," I replied.

My father hugged me tighter and he smiled. "Really? But why?" I looked at him and hugged him back. "As long as you see fault in your actions and are willing to change that shouldn't be held against you. Everyone deserves a second chance and I'd give you one, you're my father after all." I replied. My father stayed silent and hugged me even tighter than before. Small tears began to fall from his eyes and I patted his back slightly. I had no idea what was happening.

But I just wanted to help.

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