Chapter 5 ~ What Is The Truth

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23rd of March 1795

~William's pov~

Frederick burst out the door and the sound of wood slamming echoed throughout the house. Everyone was silent and gazes were fixed elsewhere. I looked around and shot up. My father's eyes looked at me and I glared at him.

"You have a lot of explaining to do. But not right now." I demanded. My father looked at me with guilt, "Will, we were going to tell you." He smiled. My glare deepened and I pushed in my chair. Sending glares at everyone in the room. I moved towards the doorway and grabbed my jacket. I peered my head back into the kitchen and looked at everyone.

"I'm going to talk to Frederick. I'll be back soon." I mumbled. My mother and father nodded slightly and I opened the door staring out at the view of the city.

Buildings were closed in together and the small canal that ran through the street was up ahead. I held my jacket tighter and sighed.

I had no idea what just happened. But something was clearly wrong. The heir to the throne of Great Britain was claiming that my father was his with no doubt. It puzzled me, how did Frederick think some random bishop was his father?

I looked at my boots and began walking. I needed answers. Answers as to why Frederick thought my father was his.

I shivered slightly and scanned the area for Frederick. I looked around and saw a figure looming near the bridge. I rubbed my palm slightly and I walked over to Frederick.

"Heyyy Frederick." I smiled and walked next him leaning against the railing. His body shifted slightly and I furrowed my brow. "I'm not really sure about what just happened but if you need to talk I am here." I smiled awkwardly. Frederick shifted and he pried himself off the stone. His red jacket was slightly dishevelled and his pale hands were holding the small brown book from before in his hands.

"It's fine, I shouldn't have stormed out like that." He mumbled and sat down leaning against the stone. "Hey it's okay, I'm guessing you've probably been through some stuff then," I replied sitting next to him. He smiled slightly and fiddled with the book. "Your Mother, what's her name?" He questioned. I looked at him confused but smiled, "Ella." I replied. Frederick looked at me his blue eyes clearly cluttered. He flipped through the small book and scanned the page. He turned to me and grinned slightly, "Well then, that makes us related. Our mothers were cousin's." He explained. I chuckled slightly and turned back looking at the other side of the railing.

"I'm guessing you don't really like your father," I remarked. Frederick smiled slightly and fiddled with his fingers, "Yeah, I don't even really know why. I've just never liked him, he's always so-" Frederick paused and took a deep breath. "Happy."

I looked at him in confusion but stayed quiet. "I mean he does the stupid things to all of us. Like his stupid cape. He sometimes hugs me from behind and wraps his cape around me like a bat and he does to all of us, especially my mother." he ranted.

I chuckled slightly and he looked at me. "I guess that's a petty complaint but I hate how fake him and mum seem sometimes. They're called the happiest couple in Europe and yet I can't see it." He spoke in frustration.

I smiled slightly and he buried his face in his hands, "My mother really loved your father and yet she's with my 'father'. She looks happy but I can't understand why. George is okay but I don't see it." He sighed. I looked ahead again and wondered.

"Do you know anything about what happened before you were born?" I questioned. Frederick looked at me and sighed, "No, just know that my mother wasn't a member of nobility but a commoner until she married my father." he replied. I nodded and smiled, "Sorry for treating you like shit." I chuckled. Frederick grinned as well and smiled. "Don't worry. It's actually kind of interesting, I mean I usually people treat me unnaturally nice. Because I'm royalty and whatnot." he smiled.

I giggled slightly and stood up. "Where you staying, Your Highness?" I smiled. Frederick jumped up as well and looked at me. "Some rich person's house, I'm guessing." he grinned. I nodded and smiled, "Well then, Your Majesty see you tomorrow." Frederick giggled and turned slightly. "You too." he smiled.

I waved him goodbye and watched him walk away. I leaned against the bridge realising what I just did. I made friends with the future King of England. I smirked to myself and looked out at the water.

Now to find out what the f*ck that was all about.

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