Chapter 9 ~ I Know Him

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24th of March 1795

~Frederick's pov~


I flinched back even further and the guy who ran into me moved slightly closer. "Frederick is that you?" He questioned. I glanced sideways awkwardly at Will and nodded slightly. "What happened to you? It's been years." He smiled. I chuckled nervously and he smiled. "Odd clothing your wearing." He questioned. I looked at him awkwardly and smiled, "Who exactly are you?"

The man's face changed and he looked at me. "You forgot?" I'm Oscar, your friend from when we were six." He explained. I looked at him awkwardly and William stood up standing next to me. "Oscar leave the Prince alone." Will scolded him. Oscar looked at me oddly and scoffed. "Prince? Frederick, what does he mean?" He looked at me.

I awkwardly looked back and Oscar deepened his glare, "I'm the Prince." I replied. Oscar's eyes widened slightly and his face turned pink slightly. "You're the Prince? Don't make me laugh." He chuckled and pat me on the back. I moved away slightly and looked at him seriously. "I'm being serious. I'm the Prince of Wales, the heir to the British throne." I explained.

Oscar furrowed his brow and scoffed, "Really think I'm that stupid Frederick? You can't fool me just because you have the same name as the Prince." Oscar questioned. I walked back slightly and my eyes scanned around until they landed upon Mr Lewis.

He walked towards me and Oscar stood still. "Mr Thames could you explain why you're harassing the Prince." Oscar's eyes widened slightly and he looked at me. "You're actually the Prince?" He questioned. I nodded and he bowed his head slightly. Mr Lewis smiled slightly and he patted me on the back.

Oscar sent me a slight glare and he turned around walking away. Mr Lewis smiled slightly and he went off in the other direction. I felt my stomach settle slightly and Will looked at me. "You were friends with Oscar Thames? How and why?" He questioned. I looked at my palms and sighed. "I don't know to be honest. Thanks even know how I'd be friends with him, I mean he definitely is American so how would he and I have met?" I questioned. William sighed and picked up my bag handing it to me.

"Your past honestly confuses me, Frederick. Who knows maybe he really did know you. But he's most likely just looking for power and money." Will explained. I looked at Will and smiled. The bell rang again and I held my bag strap tighter.

I came to America seeking answers. But all I got was more questions.

~Charles's pov~

I stared out the window, hugging my knees. The town was it's usual self and everything was quite normal.

But one thing did bother me. It was that my brother (my favourite sibling) was a whole ocean away and I was here, sitting bored near the window.

Of course, I really wanted to go, but after my illness. Father never let me go out of the palace, let alone another continent. So I was here in this stupid place I'd always been confined to. I didn't have the excuse of experience because I wasn't the future King.

I was a spare.

Just in case something happened to my Brother I'd replace him. My soul existence was for that purpose and that was why they couldn't afford for me to die. I was weak and born weak. I had never been as healthy as my siblings and that was how it had always been.

"Charles!!" Matilda knocked on the door. I rolled my eyes and leapt down from the window. I walked towards the door and opened it to Matilda. "Yes, Tilly." I groaned. Matilda smirked and tapped my head, "It's dinner Charles, Dad wants you there." she glared at me. I rolled my eyes again and Matilda started to strut downstairs. I followed behind her staring at the red carpet, all the way to the dining hall.

Matilda greeted the guards and we walked inside to see Mother and Father sitting at the end of the table together. I followed Matilda around the seats and my father grinned smiling at me. "We were waiting for you Charles." he chuckled. I smiled awkwardly and sat next to my mother.

My father grinned again and we began eating. I took a bite of my food and looked around boredly. "So Charles what did you do today?" my father questioned. I looked around awkwardly and swallowed my food. "Not much, just the usual," I replied. My father nodded and Matilda put down her fork. "Well, father today Mrs Johnson helped me with my Latin. She even complimented me on my German too." She smugly remarked.

My father grinned excitedly and my mother smiled, "It's good you two are learning soo much." I smiled slightly and we continued eating awkwardly.

"So got any letters back from Mr America?" Matilda questioned father. He smiled and he put down his fork. His expression dimmed slightly and he sighed leaning his face onto his palm. "My little Freddy hasn't said a word since he left for America. I really hope he's okay." My father pouted. Matilda chuckled slightly and glanced over at Mother.

I awkwardly looked around at everyone's faces and my father eyes fixated on me. "Charles are you okay, you look paler than usual?" He mumbled. I chuckled slightly and Matilda looked at me.

"Pale? Father no offence but that boy is always pale. Are you sure we know the same Charles." she chuckled. My father glared at Matilda and he sat up walking in over to me. He grabbed my face and inspected it. "Was this red mark here before?" He questioned. I looked at him oddly and my mother walked behind my father. "George it's just a bug bite, Charles is okay."

My father let go of my face and grabbed his own looking at me in pity. "I'm just worried about my baby boy," he whined slightly and hugged me. I tensed my shoulders slightly and my mother grinned prying my father off me. "He's fine George, he just needs some rest." My mother urged my father.

My father pouted slightly and my mother placed her hands on my shoulder and walked me through the door. I turned my head back and my father was waving back at me. I smiled slightly and his face disappeared. I felt my mother stop and she whispered near my ear.

"Don't worry, he'll be gone soon."

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